Tag Archives: xur location

Xur Agent Of The Nine Location And Items April 24th-26th
It’s another Xurday, so we’re looking to find Xur, Agent of The Nine once again. Where is he? What exotic items does he have? Prepare…

Xur Agent Of The Nine Location And Items March 13th-15th
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for Xur! Where will Xur, Agent of The Nine appear this time, and which exotic items will he offer…

Xur Agent of the Nine location February 27th
It’s another week, with the same question – Where is Xur, Agent of the Nine this weekend. Strange Coins vendor will arrive in the Tower…

Xur Agent of the Nine location February 20th
Guardians, it’s Xurday again and we are all wondering – Where is Xur Agent of the Nine this weekend? In case you’re looking for the…

Xur Agent of the Nine location and items February 13th
Fellow Guardians it’s another week and that means new list of exotic items and upgraded version of exotics will be sold by Xur, Agent of…

Xur Agent of the Nine location and items February 6th
Fellow Guardians, today we have a brand new chance to get exotic armor and weapons from the most wanted vendor in Destiny – Xur, Agent…

Xur Agent of the Nine items January 23rd
It is Xur day again. It will be tough to beat the epic inventory he had last week, but one can hope. We will again…

Xur Agent of the Nine location and items January 16th
Each Friday in Destiny, Xur: Agent of the Nine, makes his appearance somewhere in the Tower. This hooded vendor is the most wanted black market…

Destiny Xur Agent of the Nine Location and items January 9th
Xur Agent of the Nine Location and items for weekend January 9th-11th with screenshots of exotic items in Strange Coin Vendor’s stock.

Xur Location and items January 2nd
Happy New Year Guardians! We hope it brings you lots of joy and happiness, and above all new exotic weapons and armor.

Destiny Xur Location and items December 26th
In case you’re waiting for Xur this December 26th, we got you covered. It’s the last time this year that you’ll meet the Strange Coin…

Destiny Xur Location and items December 19th
It’s Xurday again, and that can only mean one thing – the hunt for new exotics has begun. If you’re looking for the Strange Coin…

Destiny Xur Location and items December 12th
We’re back once again with the same question “Where is Xur – Strange Coin vendor“? We all know that he’ll appear somewhere in the Tower,…

Destiny Xur Location and items December 5th
Xur Strange Coins Vendor location for weekend December 5th-7th with screenshots of exotic items in Strange Coin Vendor’s stock.

Destiny Xur Location and items November 28th
Strange coin vendor Xur, the Agent of the Nine, has announced his appearance for this weekend from November 28th until November 30th, 2014, but we…

Destiny Xur Location and items November 21st
It’s Friday again, and that can only mean one thing – Xur is in the Tower. In case you’re looking for the Strange Coin vendor…

Destiny Xur Location and items November 14th
It’s another Friday and the same question once again – Where is Xur – Strange Coin Vendor? This weekend from November 14th until November 16th,…

Xur Strange Coins Vendor Location November 7th
Just like every other Friday, Xur – Destiny’s Agent of Nine, will make his appearance in the Tower. A bunch of brand new exotic items will be available in the stock from November 7th until November 9th, 2014.

Xur Strange Coins Vendor Location October 31st
Xur Strange Coins Vendor location October 31st with item list and screenshots of available exotic items in Strange Coin Vendor’s stock.

Xur Strange Coins Vendor Location October 24th
Guardians, it’s Friday again and we are all waiting for Mr Xur, Strange Coin vendor, to show up somewhere in the Tower, and offers a brand new exotic items.