Tag Archives: witcher 3 trophies

Achievements & Trophies in Blood and Wine
Blood and Wine is the last DLC for The Witcher 3. In takes place on a new map, with places to explore, enemies to kill…

Gwent Finder Book Location – Card Collector Trophy
A Miraculous Guide to Gwent is a book in The Witcher 3. When you open it, it will show you the number of cards you’re…

Return to Sender Trophy Guide
Return to Sender is a trophy that can be earned in the Hearts of Stone expansion for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. To get it,…

Rad Steez, Bro! Trophy Guide
Rad Steez, Bro! is an achievement/trophy you can acquire in the Hearts of Stone expansion for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. To unlock this trophy,…

Moo-rderer Trophy Guide
Moo-rderer is an achievement/trophy you can earn in the Witcher 3’s expansion, Hearts of Stone. To get it, you’ll have to engage in some bovine…

TW3 Monster Trophies
During your travels in the Northern Realms in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you’re going to spend a lot of time killing monsters. Aside from…

Brawl Master Achievement/ Trophy Guide
Brawl Master is an achievement / trophy in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can unlock it by completing all the fistfighting quests in Velen,…

Achievements & Trophies List
There are 52 achievements / trophies you can unlock in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can obtain them by hunting monsters, beating enemies a…