Tag Archives: witcher 3 relics

Skellige Undvik Armor Set
Skellige Undvik Armor Set was added to the Witcher 3 in a free DLC on June 24th. There are two variants: one is level 16,…

Nilfgaardian Guardsman Armor
Nilfguardian Guardsman Armor is a late-game heavy armor set that provides great protection from all kinds of physical damage, but also decreases stamina regeneration. It…

Harpy Relic Silver Sword
Harpy Relic Silver Sword is an item you can craft using a diagram in The Witcher 3. This is a rather powerful sword considering you…

Beann’shie Relic Steel Sword
Beann’shie Relic Steel Sword is a weapon that you can craft using a diagram. If you do so, you’ll get a level 44 Relic Steel…

Black Unicorn Relic Steel Sword
Black Unicorn Relic Steel Sword is one of the best weapons for killing humans in The Witcher 3. Only level 46 (or higher) characters can…

Weeper Relic Silver Sword
Weeper Relic Silver Sword is one of the best weapons for fighting monsters in The Witcher 3. You’ll need to be at least level 31…

Longclaw Relic Steel Sword
The Longclaw Relic Steel Sword diagram can be found inside relic chests in The Witcher 3. This diagram allows the crafting of a high level…