Tag Archives: Witcher 3 Quests
Contract: Devil By The Well
Contract: Devil by the Well is the first Witcher Contract quest you’ll come across in the game. You will have to dispose of a Noonwraith and a nearby Abandoned village. Quest requires some investigation and you have several choice to make. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Brother Missing
Brother Missing is a White Orchard Notice board "side quest" that actually starts the quest Missing in Action (click on this link to see the full screenshot walkthrough)
Imperial Edict Number 18/45
Imperial Edict Number 18/45 – Witcher 3 quest.
Gwent: Velen Players
Gwent: Velen Players – Witcher 3 quest.
Races: Crow’s Perch
Races: Crow’s Perch – Witcher 3 quest.
Fists Of Fury: Velen
Fists of Fury: Velen – Witcher 3 quest.
Funeral Pyres
Funeral Pyres is a secondary quest that involves burning the corpses of fallen soldiers. It starts in Velen a bit west of the village of Mulbrydale. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Ciri’s Room
Ciri’s Room – Witcher 3 quest.
In Ciri’s Footsteps
In Ciri’s Footsteps – Witcher 3 quest.
Family Matters
Family Matters is a main quest in The Witcher 3. This quest comes as you complete another main mission called “Bloody Baron”, followed by “Ciri’s Story: The King of the Wolves”. At the end of this quest you can accept to help the Baron once more, or not. If you decide to help him you are given the quest “Return to Crookback Bog”. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Hunting A Witch
Hunting a Witch is a main quest in the Witcher 3. It is given automatically to you once you’ve completed “The Nilfgaardian Connection” and “Bloody Baron” main quests. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Pyres Of Novigrad
Pyres of Novigrad – Witcher 3 quest.
Destination: Skellige
Destination: Skellige – Witcher 3 quest.
Gwent: Playing Innkeeps
Gwent: Playing Innkeeps – Witcher 3 quest.
Fake Papers
Fake Papers is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3, in which you can obtain a pass that lets you through the Redanian checkpoints on the Pontar river. It will offer you to do the Bitter Harvest quest in order to get the pass cheaper. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Collect ‘Em All
Collect ‘Em All – Witcher 3 quest.
Precious Cargo
Precious Cargo is a Side Quests in Witcher 3 that you can stumble upon as you travel the roads around White Orchard. Merchant NPC will hail you if you ride past him. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Price Of Passage
The Price Of Passage – Witcher 3 quest.