Tag Archives: witcher 3 ingredients

Blue Lotus Flower
Blue Lotus Flower is one of the three mutagen plants in Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. It looks kinda like a daisy, but with purple…

Winter Cherry
Winter Cherry is a rare plant you can use to transmute mutagens in Witcher 3. It’s a small, round fruit, coming from a plant with…

Nazairi Basil
Nazairi Basil is a rare herb in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. It’s a bright green shrub that’s used in alchemical formulas concerning green…

Venom Extract Farming Locations | Witcher 3
Venom Extract is an alchemy ingredient used for crafting various important items in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can get Venom Extract by defeating…

Oils are substances used to coat swords in The Witcher 3. They allow the user to do more damage to certain types of enemies. Thanks…

Herb Locations
Herbs are used as alchemy ingredients in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If you want to prepare potions, oils, bombs or decoctions, you’ll need to…

Balisse Fruit
Balisse Fruit is a plant in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is a low bush with purple, hanging flowers. White Orchard, the starting area…

Celandine is a yellow flower found in the world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can use it to prepare potions, oils, bombs and…

Beggartick Blossoms
Beggartick is a plant in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that you can harvest for Beggartick Blossoms, which are used in Alchemy for creating potions….

Bear Fat
Bear Fat is an alchemy ingredient in The Witcher 3. It is used in many potions, bombs, oils and decoctions. In order to use it,…

Arenaria is a flower in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is used as an ingredient in alchemy – you can make potions, bombs, oils…