Tag Archives: witcher 3 horse

New Horse Gear in Blood and Wine
Horse Gear are the items you can equip on your horse in The Witcher 3. A handful of new horse items have been added in…

Horse Races
Horse races are activities you can do in The Witcher 3. There are 11 opponents you can race, and winning nets you crowns, experience, and…

How to Buy / Get New Horse in Witcher 3
Horses in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are more than just pretty animals; they play a vital role as beasts of burden and a means…

Increase inventory space with Saddlebags in Witcher 3
With the huge number of items in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, expanding your inventory weight is extremely useful and heartily recommended. One way of…

Witcher 3 Horse
Traversing the world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt solely on foot would be unwise. The Northern Realms are vast – the map is among…