Tag Archives: witcher 3 armor

Superior Feline Cat Gear
Superior Feline Cat Gear diagrams are the third upgrade for basic Cat school gear. In order to apply them, you’ll first need the Enhanced Cat…

Enhanced Cat Feline Gear
Enhanced Feline Gear is level 2 update of the basic Feline / Cat School Gear. This set is best suited for mid-level players, because the…

Witcher Armor – Cat School Gear
Cat School Gear is another witcher armor set that you can acquire through crafting. The diagrams needed for crafting this particular gear set are found…

Mastercrafted Griffin Gear
Mastercrafted Griffin Gear is the final upgrade for Griffin School Gear. In order to apply it, you need to get the Enhanced Griffin Gear and…

Superior Griffin Gear
Superior Griffin Gear is the level 3 upgrade for the Griffin School Set. Before you can upgrade your set to superior, you need to boost…

Enhanced Griffin Gear
Enhanced Griffin Gear is an upgraded version of the basic Griffin Set. This is the second out of four (Basic, Enhanced, Superior and Mastercrafted) upgrade…

Witcher Armor – Griffin School Gear
Griffin School Gear is a part of the Scavanger Hunt quests for the set of Witcher specific gear. These quests can start once you collect…

Best Armor
Armor is an important part of your strategy in The Witcher 3. You need to choose a set that complements your playing style, which means…

Skellige Undvik Armor Set
Skellige Undvik Armor Set was added to the Witcher 3 in a free DLC on June 24th. There are two variants: one is level 16,…

Mastercrafted Wolf Gear
Mastercrafted Wolf Gear is the final upgrade for Wolven swords and armor in The Witcher 3. It was part of a free DLC. If you…

Superior Wolf Gear
Superior Wolf Gear is the tier three upgrade for the Wolven armor and weapons in The Witcher 3. In order to get it, you first…

Enhanced Wolf Gear
Enhanced Wolf Gear is a weapon and armor set in The Witcher 3, which is part of a free DLC. To get it, you need…

Witcher Armor – Wolf School Gear
Wolf School Gear is an armor and weapon set in The Witcher 3. It is one of the best weapons and armor, and it was…

Nilfgaardian Armor Set DLC
Nilfgaardian Armor Set is a part of the fifth Witcher 3 free DLC, which was released on June 1st, 2015, in a patch 31 MB…

Temerian Armor Set DLC
Temerian Armor Set is one of the first two Witcher 3 free DLCs. These two DLCs were released on May 21st 2015. The Temerian Armor…

Nilfgaardian Guardsman Armor
Nilfguardian Guardsman Armor is a late-game heavy armor set that provides great protection from all kinds of physical damage, but also decreases stamina regeneration. It…

Gear Map locations for Witcher armor
The best armor & weapons in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is not that easy to find and craft. First, you need to find diagrams…