Tag Archives: witcher 3 achievements

Achievements & Trophies in Blood and Wine
Blood and Wine is the last DLC for The Witcher 3. In takes place on a new map, with places to explore, enemies to kill…

Gwent Finder Book Location – Card Collector Trophy
A Miraculous Guide to Gwent is a book in The Witcher 3. When you open it, it will show you the number of cards you’re…

I Wore Ofieri Before It Was Cool Achievement
I Wore Ofieri Before It Was Cool is an achievement/trophy in The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone. To get the trophy, you’ll need 4 pieces…

Horse Races
Horse races are activities you can do in The Witcher 3. There are 11 opponents you can race, and winning nets you crowns, experience, and…

Brawl Master Achievement/ Trophy Guide
Brawl Master is an achievement / trophy in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can unlock it by completing all the fistfighting quests in Velen,…

Achievements & Trophies List
There are 52 achievements / trophies you can unlock in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can obtain them by hunting monsters, beating enemies a…