Tag Archives: warzone 2

Cavern Boat Dock Shack Key & Location DMZ Warzone 2
Not sure where to use the Cavern Boat Dock Shack key in MW2’s DMZ mode? We’ve got you covered! Warzone 2’s DMZ mode is quickly…

DMZ Al Bagra Underground Key Location
In Call of Duty: Warzone, you will get many keys across the game. Sometimes, you will get these as mission rewards, while other times you’ll…

Acquire Crane Control Room Key, DMZ Unearthed
Unearthed is a Tier 3 White Lotus mission in CoD: Warzone 2. It consists of three steps. You first need to acquire a key from…

DMZ Destroy Reinforcement Helicopters, Fix Two Birds Warzone 2
Two Birds is a Tier 2 White Lotus faction mission in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. It consists of three objectives. What you need to…

Setup Camera Pointing at Underpass, Snapshot Enemies DMZ Warzone 2
Who’s Watching is a Tier 1 mission in CoD: Warzone 2. Like many missions in Warzone 2, it consists of three objectives that you need…

Exfil With 6 Killstreaks, DMZ Bombing Run
The DMZ Bombing Run mission in CoD: Warzone 2 requires that you exfil with 6 killstreaks in one deployment. This can be very difficult to…

Electric Drill Locations, DMZ Based
Based is a Black Mous Tier 2 mission in CoD: Warzone 2. It requires that you find and deliver 15 Screwdrivers, 20 Light Bulbs, and…

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Review – Gas, Guns and Gulags
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 landed in parallel with season One content for Modern Warfare II, instantly making classic multiplayer modes less attractive. Like its…

DMZ Dumpster Dead Drop Location, Sarwana Hotel Alley
Legion’s Dead Drop mission in MW2’s DMZ mode requires players to find a specific dead drop location in Al-Mazrah City. Sounds easy enough, but many…

Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop Location DMZ Warzone 2
Not sure where to find the Al-Sharim Junkyard dead drop for the “Based” Black Mous mission in MW2 DMZ? We’ve got you covered! The Based…

DMZ Pickup Radios Dropped by AQ Members, Always Listening
The Always Listening mission in Warzone 2 requires that you first pickup five radios dropped by neutralized AQ members and after that to then kill…

How to Extract Hard Drives and Bandages DMZ Warzone 2
In Cod: Warzone 2, Data Collection and Health Conscious are some of the first missions that you’re going to have access to. Both of them…

DMZ Storm the Stronghold Not Working Bug Solution
Storm the Stronghold is a Warzone 2 mission that can be very difficult to solve. Not only does it consist of three complicated and hard…

DMZ Team Player, Request to Join with 2 Nearby Enemy Operators
Not sure how to complete the “Team Player” Black Mous mission in MW2 DMZ? In Warzone 2’s Tarkov-like mode, players are presented with a series…

Warzone 2 Error Code 2012 Fix
If you are looking for how to fix the Warzone 2 2012 Error Code, you’ve come to the right place! Warzone 2 has been out…

Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache Location DMZ Warzone 2
Not sure where to find the Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache in DMZ? As you traverse Al Mazrah in MW2’s DMZ mode, you’ll find all kinds…

Captain’s Cache & Deckhand’s Toolbox Location DMZ Warzone 2
Not sure where to find the Captain’s Cache or the Deckhand’s Toolbox in MW2’s DMZ? We’ve got you covered! The Al Mazrah map in Warzone…

Loot Black Mous Intel DMZ, Bag em and Tag em
Not sure how to loot Black Mous intel in MW2’s DMZ mode? The new Tarkov-like Warzone 2 DMZ mode has players completing various missions for…

Handwritten Note from Sailor to Captain DMZ Warzone 2
If you have found the “Handwritten Note from Sailor to Captain” in the DMZ Warzone 2 mode, you are probably wondering what it means. MW20’s…

Tier 3 Missions Not Showing & Disappearing Bug DMZ Warzone 2
If you have the “MW2 DMZ faction missions not unlocking” issue, you should know that you are far from being the only player with this…