Tag Archives: warframe

Warframe Revenant Prime Relics
Want to know how to get all Prime Relics for Revenant Prime in Warframe? More than four years since his original release, the Primed variant…

Warframe New War Release Date, Caliban, Harrow Prime
The Warframe New War release date has been revealed, along with Harrow Prime and a new Warframe named Caliban. Announced in the final dev stream…

How to Get Warframe Devil Wing Ephemera
Recently, a tweet made by the official Warframe Twitter page indicated that we will be getting a new Devil Wing Ephemera cosmetic. This will probably…

Warframe Verv Ephemera – How to Claim
Warframe players are in for a treat, as they will be able to claim Verv Ephemera for free. This cosmetic will allow you to envelop…

Warframe Fallen Necramech Spawn Locations
In Warframe, the Necramech are massive war machines and Fallen Necramech can spawn in several locations on Cambion Drift in Deimos during Fass time. These…

Warframe Getting New Open World, Cinematic Story Quest and More
It’s a great time to be a Warframe player. TennoCon, the annual conference dedicated to the game, took place a couple of days ago, and…

Warframe Chains of Harrow Update Released on Consoles
Warframe’s Chains of Harrow update has been released on Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It’s a fairly large one, with a new frame (which is…

Warframe Plains of Eidolon Will Add Sandbox Maps This Year
At this year’s TennoCon, Digital Extremes have announced that Warframe will be getting sandbox, open world maps this year. They call them Landscapes, and they’re…