Tag Archives: Velen
Love’s Cruel Snares
Love’s Cruel Snares is a secondary quest in The Witcher 3. In it, you’ll help a distraught woman find out the fate of her darling.
A Dog’s Life
A Dog’s Life is a secondary quest you’ll receive when wandering north-west of Drudge. It involves a tame dog. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Blood Ties
Blood Ties is a secondary quest available in Velen. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Defender Of The Faith II – Duen Hill
Defender of The Faith is a secondary quest involving religious and non-religious fanatics duking it out.
Master Armorers II – Crow’s Perch
Master Armorers II secondary quest is available if you’ve completed the Master Armorers and Components for an Armorer secondary quests.
Hazardous Goods
Hazardous Goods is a short secondary quest available in Velen.
Witcher Wannabe
Witcher Wannabe is a secondary quest that can be taken in Velen.
The Truth Is In The Stars
The Truth is in the Stars is a secondary quest that can be obtained in Velen. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Lynch Mob
Lynch Mob is a small secondary quest you start when you see a group of peasants about to hang a Nilfgaardian soldier.
Components For An Armorer
Components for an Armorer is a secondary quest/witcher contract available in Velen.
The Volunteer
The Volunteer is a secondary quest from The Witcher 3, and it involves a singing troll. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Master Armorers
Master Armorers is a quest available in Velen and sees Geralt searching for some tools of the armorer’s trade.
Wild At Heart
Wild at Heart is a Secondary quest in Velen, and involves searching for a loved one. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Looters is a Secondary quest available in the war-torn Velen.
Man’s Best Friend
Man’s Best Friend is a secondary quest you can pick up while exploring Velen. It involves war-starved children and a dog. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Thou Shalt Not Pass
Thou Shalt Not Pass is a secondary quest that sees you acquiring a transit pass in order to go through Redanian Border points. The only way to do this is to get the black market pass from a nearby merchant during the quest Fake Papers Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Last Rites
Last Rites is a secondary quest available in Velen, involving a bit of grave hunting.
Caravan Attack
Caravan Attack is a Secondary Quest in The Witcher 3. You will be tasked with protecting a trading caravan from bandits.
Deadly Crossing II – Mulbrydale
Deadly Crossing is one of the many Secondary quests in The Witcher 3. It gives you the chance to buy a weapon from a couple of looters.
Death By Fire
Death By Fire is a secondary quest you can happen upon while exploring Velen in The Witcher 3. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.