Tag Archives: Tomb Raider collectibles

Tomb Raider Sun Killer Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Sun Killer Challenge. Shoot five Sun Totems in the Research Base. The Totems are very small and it’s hard to spot them.

Tomb Raider Mine Sweeper Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Mine Sweeper Challenge.

Tomb Raider Previous Inhabitants Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Previous Inhabitants Challenge. Burn four Banners of the Imperial Japanese Army in the Cliffside Bunker area. You can use fire arrows or torches.

Tomb Raider Cairn Raider Challenge
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Cairn Raider Challenge. Find and loot five Cairns on the Shipwreck Beach.

Tomb Raider Red Cap Roundup Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Red Cap Roundup Challenge. Collect ten mushrooms in the Summit Forest area

Tomb Raider Firestarter Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Firestarter Challenge. Ignite six Corpse Bags in the Geothermal Caverns area. You have a limited number of arrows, if you run out of arrow ammunition, return later by using Fast Travel.

Tomb Raider Silencer Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Silencer Challenge. Destroy four alarms with Pry Axe in the Shantytown

Tomb Raider Laid to Rest Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Laid to Rest Challenge. You can finish this challenge after obtaining fire arrows.

Tomb Raider Non Believer Challenge Locations
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Non Believer Challenge. This challenge can be completed before Egg Poacher Challenge.

Tomb Raider Illumination Challenge
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Illumination Challenge. We strongly suggest you to continue the main objective until you obtain a rope arrow and a Fire starter and then return to finish this challenge.

Tomb Raider Egg Poacher Challenge
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Egg Poacher Challenge. We strongly suggest you to continue the main objective until you obtain a rope arrow and then return to collect the eggs.

Tomb Raider Pyromaniac challenge
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Pyromaniac Challenge. Shoot five Lanterns in the Mountain Temple.

Tomb Raider Ghost Hunter Challenge
Detailed walkthrough with screenshots for Tomb Raider Ghost Hunter Challenge. Destroy ten Skull Totems in the Coastal Forest.

Tomb Raider Collectibles Map
We have visual guides and maps for all collectible locations in the new Tomb Raider.