Tag Archives: sw jedi fallen order guides

SW Jedi Fallen Order Preorder & Deluxe Edition Bonus Items Locations
Preorder bonus items in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order include cosmetic items like lightsaber colors and skins, outfits for Cal, BD-1 and the Mantis. If…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Scomp Link Location – Repair
Scomp link is one of the droid tools in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Once you find it, you’ll be able to install it onto…

JFO Ball Puzzle in Tomb of Eilram on Zeffo – Sphere Puzzle Guide
Ball puzzle in Tomb of Eilram on Zeffo is one of the challenges during the main story mission in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. In…

Jedi Fallen Order Force Echoes Locations Map
Force echoes are a type of collectible you can find in Jedi: Fallen Order. They’re basically notes – Cal will use the force to scan…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Bogano Force Echo Locations
Force echoes are collectibles in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Each one you collect will unlock a new databank entry, giving you a glimpse into…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Force Essence Locations
Force essence is a type of collectible in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. They’re a kind of force echo, and you’ll recognize them by the…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Life Essence Locations
Life essence is a collectible in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It’s a force echo that looks like a glowing ball of mist, and once…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Lightsaber Crystal Locations – All Lightsaber Colors
Lightsaber color crystals are used to change the color of your lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The change is only cosmetic – it…