Tag Archives: south park fractured but whole guides

South Park Fractured But Whole Memberberries Locations
Memberberries are a kind of collectible in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. You’ll find clusters of them around town, and when you interact with…

South Park Fractured But Whole Yaoi Art Locations – Where to Find All
Yaoi Art Pieces are a South Park The Fractured But Whole collectible. There’s a lot of them in the Yaoi Project Scavenger Hunt, and finding…

South Park Fractured But Whole Selfie Locations & Requirements
South Park: The Fractured But Whole lets you take selfies with the townspeople. Some of them will follow you on Coonstagram after you take a…

South Park Fractured But Whole Best Artifacts – Deep Seated Power Trophy
Artifacts are equipment in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. As you progress through the main story, you’ll unlock more and more artifact slots, which…

South Park Fractured But Whole Headshot Locations – Where to Find All
Headshot locations are a vital part of the South Park Fractured But Whole Headshots Job side mission. The quest requires you to post headshots of…

South Park Fractured But Whole Morgan Freeman – Farts Over Freckles
Morgan Freeman is an optional boss in South Park Fractured But Whole. Defeating him gives you the Farts over Freckles achievement. Morgan Freeman won’t attack…

South Park Fractured But Whole Fast Travel Locations
The main character in South Park: The Fractured But Whole moves at a glacial pace. A lot of players are irked by the speed, and…

South Park Fractured But Whole Character Sheet Locations
Character Sheets in South Park Fractured But Whole are a collectible you can find. They give you extra information about the superhero characters. Each of…

South Park Fractured But Whole Peppermint Hippo Entrance Location
The Peppermint Hippo strip club is one of the locations you’ll visit in South Park Fractured But Whole. Since you’re a kid, the bouncer will…

South Park Fractured But Whole Church Back Room Password Location
The church back room is a place that holds some useful items in South Park Fractured But Whole. However, the room is locked. You need…

South Park Fractured But Whole Stuck At First Toilet
While playing South Park: The Fractured But Whole, you’ll spend a lot of time on the toilet. Using the toilet bowl is a mini-game, like…

South Park Fractured But Whole Toilet Locations – Crappin’ Forte Trophy
Sitting on a toilet in South Park: The Fractured But Whole starts a mini-game. You have to hit the right buttons at the right time…

South Park Fractured But Whole Side Quests
Apart from the main story, which follows the Coon and Friends as they build their franchise, there are also side quests in South Park: The…

South Park Fractured But Whole Death Store Riddle Solution
Death Store riddle is one of the puzzles you’ll have to solve in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It’s part of To Catch A…

South Park Fractured But Whole Happiness Reigns Riddle Solution
Happiness Reigns is a riddle in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. You’ll get it during the main quest, To Catch A Coon, and it…