Tag Archives: Skellige
Dragon is a Witcher Contract in which you’ll have to slay a winged beast that is terrorizing the countryside around the village of Fyresdal on Ard Skellig.
Here Comes The Groom
Here Comes the Groom is a witcher contract in which you’ll go after a flying monster that has taken a would-be groom in the village of Svorlag.
Missing Son
Missing Son is a Witcher Contract in which you’ll be hired by a concerned father to find out the fate of his adventurer son.
The Tower Outta Nowheres
The Tower Outta Nowheres is a secondary quest in which you’ll have to save a village from endless rain by getting rid of a magic tower. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Flesh For Sale
Flesh for Sale is a secondary quest on the remote island of Faroe in which you’ll have to rescue some villagers who were enslaved by vicious pirates. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden is a secondary quest on Faroe island in which you’ll put your sword (literally and figuratively) to the test against the best that the women of Skellige have to offer. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Price Of Honor
The Price of Honor is a secondary quest on Faroe island in which you’ll have to find out what fate befell a would-be bride and two brothers of one of the islanders.
Master Of The Arena
Master of the Arena is the only secondary quest available on the island of Spikeroog and involves cleansing an arena of a wraith. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Free Spirit
Free Spirit is a secondary quest available on Snidhall Isle. It will send you on a journey throughout the Northern Realms in search of some books on religion.
The Path Of Warriors
The Path of Warriors is a secondary quests in Skellige Isles that will test your warrior skills without engaging you in battle. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Taken As A Lass
Taken as a Lass is one the many secondary quests available in Skellige Isles. This one will see you going in search of the kidnapped sister of a Skellige warrior.
An Unpaid Debt
An Unpaid Debt is a secondary quest in Skellige in which you will have to decide where you draw the line when it comes to repaying your debts.
Worthy Of Trust
Worthy of Trust is a secondary quest in Skellige Isles in which you’ll have the opportunity to help a merchant who has fallen on some hard times.
Yustianna Disturbed
Yustianna Disturbed is a short secondary quest in which you will get to decide the fate of some unsuspecting bandits.
For Fame And Glory
For Fame and Glory is a short secondary quest in Hindarsfjall in which you’ll help a pair of warriors cleanse an old mine. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Cave Of Dreams
The Cave of Dreams is a secondary quest in which you will have to help a group of warriors deal with their greatest fears.
Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land is a secondary quest available in Skellige Isles. Bring your prison uniform.
Shock Therapy
Shock Therapy is a secondary quest in the Skellige Isles, in which you will have to help a druid’s friend to speak again. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
Practicum In Advanced Alchemy
Practicum in Advanced Alchemy is a lengthy secondary quest involving some druids with a drinking problem. Guide contains image walkthrough and starting NPC location.
The Sad Tale Of The Grossbart Brothers
The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers is a secondary quest in which you will have to track down and administer justice to a group of miscreants.