Tag Archives: sekiro npcs

Sake Locations – Ashina, Unrefined, Dragonspring, Monkey Booze
Sake is a key item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There are four kinds of it – Ashina, Unrefined, Dragonspring and Monkey Booze. You can…

Doujun NPC – Surgeon’s Bloody Letter Item – Where to Find Tough Man
Doujun is an NPC in Sekiro in the Abandoned Dungeon, and he’ll ask you to find one tough man and hand you the Surgeon’s Bloody…

Fountainhead Incense Location – How to Make
Fountainhead Incense in Sekiro is the end result of a long questline, and some people have been having trouble figuring out how to make Fountainhead…

Flower for Lord Kuro Incense Location
Fragrant Flower is a key item in Sekiro that you’ll need to give Lord Kuro to make the Fountainhead Incense. Finding the Sekiro Lord Kuro…

Stone For Lord Kuro Incense Location
The Stone for Lord Kuro Incense in Sekiro is a plot-critical item you’ll have to find in the game. The Shelter Stone in Sekiro, as…

Merchant Locations – Thief, Information, Pot, Mob, Badger
Merchants are NPCs who sell items in Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice. There’s a handful of them around the world, and most of them sell pretty important…

Pot Noble Merchants – Fountainhead Palace & Hirata Estate
Pot noble merchants are a couple of vendors in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Both of them are from the same clan, and both live in…

Sekiro Kotaro NPC Full Guide – Taro Persimmon, White Flower, Spirit Away
Kotaro is an NPC you will come across as soon as you enter the Senpou Temple region in Sekiro. Big lug is to the right…

Sekiro Anayama The Peddler Quest – Phantom Kunai
Anayama the Peddler is one of the NPCs in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. You’ll meet him early in, in the first area. He sells a…

Lord Isshin Location in Ashina Castle – Where to Find
Lord Isshin in Sekiro is an NPC that you can find in a specific location in Ashina Castle. However, some players have been having trouble…

Where to Find Rice for the Old Lady
The Old Lady in Sekiro is an NPC that asks you to bring her Rice, but it can’t just be any old Rice that you…

Rats Hunting Quest – Tengu of Ashina
Tengu of Ashina is an NPC in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. He’s a large fellow, and you can find him after you defeat the first…