Tag Archives: review


Playstation VR Review

I got my first computer when they were not a common thing. This was a big event and all the neighborhood kids showed up. We…

psvr first impressions

PlayStation VR First Impressions

VR is an absolutely mind-blowing gaming experience. When you first put on the Headset and start playing a VR game, your field of view expands…

necropolis review

Necropolis Review

Necropolis is a rogue-lite game from Harebrained Schemes, they of Shadowrun fame. In it, you play a Blackguard exploring the depths of the titular dungeon…

Uncharted 4 first impressions

Uncharted 4 First Impressions

We got Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End a little bit later in the day and I’d planned to go through the first couple of missions…

final fantasy type 0 hd

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD impressions

Square Enix has made a good effort to introduce this generation of gamers to their Final Fantasy franchise. We have seen a steady stream of…