Tag Archives: Quake Champions

Quake Champions December Update Brings New Character, Map & More
Quake Champions is getting a substantial update this week, on December 14th. According to the developers, it’s going to be one of the biggest yet,…

Quake World Championships Finals Coming to QuakeCon 2017
The first Quake World Championships are slowly heading towards the main event, the Global Finals. The final battles will happen at QuakeCon 2017, which will…

BJ Blazkowicz Coming to Quake Champions, Will Have Dual Wield Ability
Bethesda has released another trailer for Quake Champions, introducing a new hero. It’s none other than BJ Blazkowicz, Hitlericidal maniac extraordinaire, and one of the…

Quake Champions Trailer Introduces New Character – Sorlag
Bethesda released a new trailer for Quake Champions. The video showcases Sorlag, a huntress from the Sorg, a race of warrior reptiles. The character is…

Another Quake Champion is out – Visor
Quake Champions is slowly growing a large stable of playable characters, with Visor, the cybernetic clone being next in line. He should be available for…

Seventh Quake Champions trailer features the “Ranger”
Quake Champions have been busy lately, introducing new Champions and juggling the appearance (and a tournament) at QuakeCon as well as the closed beta. The…

Quake Champions count is up by one more: Galena is an unholy paladin
Bethesda is bringing more champions to the table in their trailer series for Quake Champions. If you have missed it, the legend of Quake Arena…

New Quake Champions trailer – it’s time for Clutch!
Bethesda and id Software’s new brainchild, Quake Champions has just finished its closed beta, that lasted from April 6 to April 9. The beta seems…

Quake Champions Closed Beta Invites Are Being Sent
The first batch of Quake Champions beta invites has left Bethesda HQ via carrier pigeons, and should be arriving quickly to the doors of the…

Latest Quake Champions trailer showcases Slash, the roller queen
Quake Champions reminded everyone what fast and skill-based gameplay is like in yesterday’s trailer, showing id Software’s e-sports manager, John Hill, first dying to enemies…

Quake Champions gameplay trailer is short and full of adrenaline
We have recently announced the Quake Champions closed beta. At the time there was no real date involved, but the official Twitter has spoken –…

Quake Champions is starting a closed beta
It has been a while, more precisely, since 2007 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Competitive arena shooting will once again arrive from the hands of…