Tag Archives: pokemon legends arceus guides

Find Misdreavus in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Catching Pokemon was probably never so fluent and simple as in Pokemon Legends Arceus, but some of them are still hard to find. For example,…

How Many Eyes, Uxie’s Trial of Lake Acuity Pokemon Legends Arceus
In Pokemon Legends Arceus, the Trial of Lake Acuity involves answering Uxie’s question about how many eyes certain Pokemon have. Answering will gift you with…

Get Fire Stone in Pokemon Legends Arceus
You need to get the Fire Stone in Pokemon Legends Arceus if you want to evolve three specific Pokemon. Not all Pokemon evolve just by…

Evolve Graveler Pokemon Legends Arceus
If you want to evolve Graveler in Pokemon Legends Arceus, you’re gonna have to go through a few steps. Actually, there are two different routes…

Where is Yorrich Pokemon Legends Arceus
If you’re struggling to find out where Yorrich is in Pokemon Legends Arceus, we’ve got you covered. This quest is important, because it unlocks a…

How to Get Sun Stone in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Sun Stone, as an evolution item, has a very important role in Pokemon Legends Arceus. It is not easy to find these stones for free…

At Home Under the Eaves Pokemon Legends Arceus
The At Home Under the Eaves Pokemon Legends Arceus request 85 can be unlocked later in the game, after you’ve caught a specific Pokemon. In…

Evolve Kadabra in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Evolving Kadabra into Alakazam in Pokemon Legends Arceus is completely different, since Kadabra is one of the Pokemon that received a new evolution method. Previously,…

Find Alolan Vulpix in Pokemon Legends Arceus
Like several other Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Vulpix also has a different regional form there. While the regular Vulpix is a Fire-type Pokemon, this…

Unlock Mass Outbreaks Pokemon Legends Arceus
Learning how to unlock Mass Outbreaks in Pokemon Legends Arceus is going to be very useful in a number of ways, the most important of…

Big Buizel Little Buizel Pokemon Legends Arceus
We all know that Pokemon can vary considerably between one another. Abilities, shapes, dispositions, the list goes on. But did you know that Pokemon of…

Can’t Return Lost Satchels Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Lost Satchels system is a new mechanic introduced in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. A very interesting addition to the Pokemon universe, this allows you to…

Playing with Drifloon Pokemon Legends Arceus Prelude Beach
The Playing with Drifloon Pokemon Legends Arceus Driflook request is one of the simpler side quests that you can easily complete if you know where…

Evolve Hisuian Growlithe Into Hisuian Arcanine Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Growlithe is a long-established (being introduced way back in Generation I) Fire-type Pokemon. In most Pokemon games, it evolves into Arcanine. However, since Pokemon…

How to Get Gible Pokemon Legends Arceus
If you’re wondering how to get Gible in Pokemon Legends Arceus, we’ve got you covered. The only real problem is that every Gible location in…

Get Black Augurite Pokemon Legends Arceus
While many Pokemon can evolve in a pretty straightforward fashion – simply be leveling up, for example, some of them have very complicated evolution requirements….

Sea’s Legend Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Sea’s Legend Pokemon Legends Arceus mystery is a fun quest to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, it’s almost like a…

Evolve Scyther to Kleavor Pokemon Legends Arceus
Being one of the oldest Pokemon around (introduced all the way back in Generation I), it’s no wonder that Scyther is also in Pokemon Legends:…

Evolve Stantler into Wyrdeer Pokemon Legends Arceus
Learning how to evolve Stantler into Wyrdeer in Pokemon Legends Arceus is advantageous for several reasons, but it’s not a simple process. You have to…

Wurmple Evolution Pokemon Legends Arceus
The Wurmple evolution in Pokemon Legends Arceus can cause a little bit of confusion. This is because its initial evolution step, where it can turn…