Tag Archives: Pet Simulator X

Happy Pet Game Release Date 2023
Have you heard about the Happy Pet Game? This is an upcoming Roblox game that is getting a lot of attention from players. And it’s…

Ghoul Horse Value Pet Simulator X
Halloween is here and we all know what that means. That’s right, lots of spooky updates to our favorite games. Of course, it should go…

Fireball Cat Value Pet Simulator X
If you want to know what the Fireball Cat Value in Pet Simulator X is and how to get one, you’re in the right place….

Arcade Dog Value Pet Simulator X
One of the reasons why Pet Simulator X is one of the most played games on Roblox is the fact that it is constantly being…

Pet Simulator X Claw Machine, How to Get Claw Tokens
If you want to know what is the Claw Machine in Pet Simulator X, you’ve come to the right place! Summer Update Part 3 is…

Sun Angelus Value Pet Simulator X
Pet Simulator X is filled with all sorts of pets. From the mundane to the fantastical, there is a pet that suits just about anyone’s…

Tiki Dominus Value Pet Simulator X
There’s a good reason why Pet Simulator X is still so wildly popular, and that’s the fact that it is constantly being updated and worked…

Quest Egg 1 Value Pet Simulator X
The Quest Egg is a new type of gift box (also referred to as boxes, or more simply as gifts) in Pet Sim X. It…

M-10 Prototype Value Pet Simulator X
The M-10 Prototype is a new event pet that has been added to Pet Sim X alongside the recent X Quests update. As you can…

Hippomelon Value Pet Simulator X
As every Pet Sim X player knows, your pets are everything in this game. Because of that, new ones are being added to it all…

Easter Yeti Value Pet Simulator X
One of the reasons why Pet Sim X is so wildly popular is the fact that new pets get added to the game all the…

Huge Pink Balloon Cat Pet Simulator X
The Huge Pink Balloon Cat is a new pet that has been added to Pet Sim X. A re-skin of the Huge Balloon Cat, this…

Huge Easter Bunny Value Pet Simulator X
What would Easter be without the Easter Bunny? This is exactly what the makers of the Roblox megahit Pet Sim X thought. But, they took…

Huge Marshmallow Agony Value Pet Simulator X
The Huge Marshmellow Agony is a new Exclusive pet that has recently been added to Pet Sim X. A Huge variant of the regular Marshmallow…

Huge Easter Dominus Value Pet Simulator X
As we all know, Pet Sim X is full of all manner of pets, both real and imaginary, with more being added to the game…

Pet Simulator X Easter Event 2023
The Pet Simulator X Easter Event 2023 is right around the corner! If you have participated in any of the past Easter Events in Pet…

Error Axolotl Value Pet Simulator X
The Error Axolotl is a Legendary pet that was recently added to Pet Sim X during the April Fool’s event. A re-skin of the Axolotl,…

Error Dragon Value Pet Simulator X
The April Fool’s event in Pet Sim X brought several new pets to the game. One of these is the Error Dragon. A Mythical Pet,…

Pet Simulator X April Fools 2023
April Fool’s 2023 is almost here! Since this is a beloved holiday worldwide, plenty of computer games also want to get in on the fun….

Huge Chef Cat Pet Simulator X
The Huge Chef Cat is a new Exclusive Pet for Pet Sim X. Unlike most other pets in the game which usually feature a very…