Tag Archives: no man’s sky quests

Monolith Puzzle Solutions
Monoliths are ancient buildings in No Man’s Sky. Each one was built by one of the three big alien races. Interacting with it will present…

Path of Atlas Storyline
Path of Atlas is one of the main storylines in No Man’s Sky. It begins early on, but you can quit it at many points…

Korvax Optional Quests & Conversations
Korvax conversations happen when you interact with Korvax aliens in No Man’s Sky. The regular ones will only give you trading options, but there are…

Gek Optional Conversations
Gek conversations are dialogue puzzles in No Man’s Sky. When speaking to Gek aliens, you’ll have several choices to pick from – some yielding rewards,…

Vy’keen Optional Quests & Conversations
Vy’keen Optional Conversations are a type of puzzle in No Man’s Sky. When you meet a Vy’keen alien, they’ll sometimes present you with a situation…