Tag Archives: maneater guides

Maneater Gulf Collectible Locations – Landmarks, Caches, Licence Plates
The Gulf collectibles in Maneater are exactly the same like in all other maps; they include Landmarks, Nutrient Caches, and Licence Plates (called Gulf Gewgaws)….

Maneater Crawfish Bay Collectible Locations
Crawfish Bay is a tiny area on the eastern edge of the map in Maneater. It’s the only part of the game with no landmarks…

Maneater Apex Predators – Alligator, Barracuda, Great White, Killer Whale
Apex Predators in Maneater are boss animals that you’ll have to fight in the game. There are seven Apex Predators in Maneater, including an alligator,…

Caviar Key Collectible Locations – Landmarks, Caches, Licence Plates
Caviar Key is one of the areas you’ll get to ransack in Maneater. It’s one of the fancier parts of town, but one thing where…

Maneater Prosperity Sands Collectible Locations
Prosperity Sands is one of the areas you’ll visit in Maneater. While you’re there, thirty two collectibles will waiting for you to snatch or smash…

Golden Shores Collectible Locations – Landmarks, Licence Plates, Caches
Golden Shores is one of the maps in shark-piloting game Maneater. It’s filled to the brim with collectibles, much like all the other maps. There…

How to Open Large Gates in Maneater
Large gates in Maneater are basically dams that bar you from entering certain areas until you’re either powerful enough to jump over them, or figure…

Maneater Dead Horse Lake Collectible Locations
Dead Horse Lake is one of the areas you’ll explore in Maneater. It’s a sorry place, but on the upside, there are a bunch of…

Maneater Can’t Fight Scaly Pete Bug Solution
Can’t Fight Scaly Pete bug in Maneater is a problem that some of the people playing have been encountering in Sapphire Bay. It seems that,…

Maneater Tiger Shark Skin Pre-Order
The Tiger Shark pre-order skin adaptation in Maneater is a bonus for those that have secured their copy early. However, it’s been causing a lot…

Maneater Evolutions & Mutations – How to Unlock
Evolutions are ways to upgrade your shark in Maneater. These mutations can be applied to different body parts, and they make you a better shark….

Maneater Not Appearing in PlayStation Store – Where to Find
The PlayStation Store has been experiencing some problems with Maneater, especially if you’re browsing in on your PS4. Plus, people have been having trouble with…

How to Save in Maneater
Saving your game in Maneater is a relatively simple thing; so simple, that it can get a little confusing. People are wondering how exactly saving…

Dead Horse Lake Landmark Collectible Missing Glitch in Maneater
Dead Horse Lake is one of the areas in Maneater. One of the collectibles in it is a landmark at an old mafia body disposal…

Maneater Infamy Rank 10 Boss Hunter Capt. Robert Brunlett – How to Beat
Infamy Rank 10 Hunter in Maneater, Captain Robert Brunlett, is one of the tougher bosses that you’ll have to defeat in the game. However, there…

Maneater Stuck At Level 20 Adult
Maneater has a curious progression system, in which you accrue levels in order to advance in age, but sometimes have to fulfill other conditions as…

Maneater Muskie Business Hunted Muskellunge Location
Muskie Business in Maneater is one of the quests that you have to complete, and it requires you to hunt and kill the Hunted Muskellunge…

Maneater Infamy Rank & Threat Level – How To Increase
Infamy rank & threat level are two ways Maneater tracks your progress through the game. They’re tied together, although you’ll have to do different things…

Maneater Shark Levels – Teen, Adult, Elder, Mega
Teen, adult, elder, mega shark levels in Maneater are the different ages that you can unlock when you reach the appropriate level. Every Maneater Shark…

Sapphire Bay Collectible Locations – Nutrient Caches, Landmarks
Sapphire Bay collectibles in Maneater include the likes of nutrient Caches, Landmarks, and Licence Plates. Finding all of them is important for the sake of…