Tag Archives: mafia 3 guides

All Endings in Mafia 3
Mafia 3 has several endings. Which one you’ll get depends on a choice you make in one of the final missions. Most of them are…

I Need A Favor Side Mission
I Need A Favor is one of the side missions in Mafia 3. It is given out by Vito Scaletta – your underboss and the…

Secrets & Easter Eggs
While playing Mafia 3, you’ll come across a bunch of secrets. The town of New Bordeaux is fairly large, and it’s peppered with easter eggs,…

Underboss Loyalty in Mafia 3 – How to get it
Underboss Loyalty status is the final stage of a relationship with a lieutenant in Mafia 3. It can be achieved later on in the game,…

Best Weapon Loadouts
Weapon loadouts are combinations of two guns in Mafia 3. The best weapon combos are made up of guns that complement each other. For example,…

.45 In My Hand Side Mission
.45 In My Hand is a side mission in Mafia 3. It’s the one given out by Cassandra, in Delray Hollow. It involves doing tasks…

Silenced Pistol / Gun in Mafia 3 – How to get
Mafia 3 Silenced Pistol is any gun with a silencer you find in the game. Their main advantage is that they let you shoot people…

Are We Cool Side Mission
Are We Cool is a side mission in Mafia 3. You can start it by talking to Emmanuel Lazare, Cassandra’s associate. He’s going to ask…

How to Get Car Back
Getting a car back in Mafia 3 can be tricky. Not all cars can be retrieved, and those that can require you to make use…

How to Assign Districts
Assigning districts in Mafia 3 will let them start generating revenue. It will also push the story forward, getting you closer to taking down the…

How to collect money from rackets
Mafia 3 rackets are places that constantly generate revenue while you play. All you need to do is pick it up from time to time…

How to unlock preorder bonus in Mafia 3
Mafia 3 preorder bonus includes the Family Kick-Back pack. It’s a modest offering – three exclusive weapons and three cars. Everyone who bought the game…

IRA Don’t Ask – Burke Side Mission
IRA Don’t Ask is a side mission in Mafia 3. It is given out by Burke, the Irish underboss. It involves finding and stealing vehicles…

How to unlock side missions
Mafia 3 side missions are optional tasks you can do in order to help your underbosses. Each one of your lieutenants will have their own…

Errors & Problems in Mafia 3
Mafia 3 is out, and the PC version has had a troublesome start. Players are already complaining about crashes, poor performance and other issues. Some…

Underboss Perks & Upgrades
Mafia 3 Underbosses are your loyal lieutenants who can run daily operations in captured districts instead of you. Once you conquer an area, you’ll get…

Controls List
Mafia 3 is out, and it allows you to be the vengeful murderer you always wanted to be. It lets you to drive across a…

Mafia 3 30 FPS Lock – How to fix it
Mafia 3 isn’t officialy out yet, but some streamers and members of the press have received early copies. While they’re slowly trudging through the game…

Robbing Stores in Mafia 3
Robbing Stores is one of the activities you can do while taking a break from the main missions in Mafia 3. It’s a profitable way…

Car Customization
Mafia 3 takes place in a huge city. Getting to places requires lots of driving. Since you’ll be spending a big chunk of your time…