Tag Archives: luigi’s mansion 3 guides

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Burn Spiderwebs – Transfer Fire from Fire Scene – 8F Paranormal Productions
Burn spiderwebs is one of the objectives in Luigi’s Mansion 3. It’s part of the Paranormal Productions level, on the 8th floor, and it requires…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Polterkitty – How to Beat Cat Ghost
Polterkitty in Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a cat ghost that you’ll have to defeat in the game. And figuring out how to beat Polterkitty can…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Glowing Button & Last Gem on F4 Great Stage
There’s a glowing button in the Great Stage level of Luigi’s Mansion 3. It appears after you defeat the boss, and a lot of players…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Deactivate Laser Birds In Pyramid on 10f – Snake Chamber
The Pyramid snake chamber laser trap on the tenth floor of Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a puzzle you’ll have to solve in order to progress….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 5F All Gem Locaitons – RIP Suites
RIP Suites gems are collectibles in Luigi’s Mansion 3. They’re located on 5F, in the area called RIP Suites. There’s six of them – some…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Catch the Mouse in Kitchen & Billiard Room
It took quite a bit of effort to catch the glowing mouse that steals the elevator buttons in the kitchen and billiard rooms in Luigi’s…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Get Key in Twisted Suites 11F Room with Golden Bunny
Spinning loops room with golden bunny is one of the rooms in Luigi’s Mansion 3. It is located on 11F, also known as Twisted Suites….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Seventh Floor Boss – How to Defeat Dr Potter
Dr. Potter, the Seventh Floor boss in Luigi’s Mansion 3, is one of a number of bosses you’ll have to beat in the game. You’ll…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Castle Key Locations – How to Open Cage Lift Room
Castle keys are a set of three items in Luigi’s Mansion 3. They’re used to open various doors on the sixth floor, at Castle MacFrights….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How to Defeat Cursed Chest & Bin on Floor 11
Cursed chest & bin are enemies in Luigi’s Mansion 3. They look like regular containers until you try to interact with them, which is when…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How to Defeat Shield Ghost in Castle
Shield ghost is one of the mini-bosses in Luigi’s Mansion 3. You’ll encounter him in the castle, in a drafty wine cellar. He’s not like…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How to Get Chest at Castle Entrance
Chest at castle entrance is one of the hidden chests in Luigi’s Mansion. It’s not really hidden – you’ll see it behind the counter, under…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Achievements – How to Check
Achievements are a kind of commendation in Luigi’s Mansion 3. You’ll unlock them by doing various things in the game – solving puzzles, collecting gems,…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How to Kill Big Red Box-Shaped Ghost
Red box-shaped ghost is one of the bosses in Luigi’s Mansion 3. You’ll encounter him at the escalator, after you get he star key from…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How to Dismiss Gooigi
Gooigi is your sidekick in Luigi’s Mansion 3. The gunky Luigi-alike can be used to solve puzzles that would otherwise be impossible. He’s malleable, so…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 How Co-Op Works – How to Play Cooperative Campaign
How to play Cooperative Campaign in Luigi’s Mansion 3 has been the question that a number of players have been asking. After all, Nintendo have…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Kill Hotel Lobby First Ghosts
The first ghosts that you get to battle in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are in the hotel lobby, and as such, you might not be able…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Get Green Diamond Gem in the Basement Washing Machine
You’ll notice a green diamond gem tumbling inside the washing machine in the basement of Luigi’s Mansion 3 as soon as you start the game….

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Grand Hotel Lobby 1F Gem Locations
Grand Lobby gems are collectibles in Luigi’s Mansion 3. There are six of them, and they’re located in the hotel lobby 1F. Some of the…

Luigi’s Mansion 3 All Basement B1 Gem Locations
Basement B1 Gems in Luigi’s Mansion 3 are collectibles that you can get if you look hard enough and have the correct tools. As is…