Tag Archives: lost ark guides

Lost Ark Server Maintenance & Downtime
Lost Ark server maintenance and downtime are gonna be a hot topic at times. Why? Because every so often, the developers are going to have…

Lost Ark Witcher Event Release Date & Time 2023
It’s safe to say that Geralt of Rivia, the star of the Witcher franchise, has become one of the most recognizable characters in all of…

Lost Ark Bracelet Guide
A new accessory has been added to Lost Ark with the latest update to the game – bracelets. This accessory allows you to become even…

Lost Ark Punika Powerpass for Free
The free Lost Ark Punika Powerpass is an item that can allow you to quickly level up a character, so that you can fully enjoy…

Lost Ark Untrusted System File, Game Not Starting Fix
If Lost Ark won’t launch after the Easy Anti-Cheat screen and you receive the “Untrusted system file” message, we might have a solution for you….

Lost Ark Super Express Mission Event
The April update to Lost Ark is here, and with it – a ton of new content. Called the “Battle for the Throne of Chaos”,…

Lost Ark Feiton Powerpass, How to Get & Activate
If you want to know how to get and activate the Lost Ark Feiton Powerpass, we’ve got you covered. The new Powerpass, like the old…

Lost Ark Unicorn Mount Twitch Drop
The G4TV Invitational Tournament in Lost Ark is intended to celebrate the start of Competitive Proving Grounds Season 1. This 3v3 Lost Ark Invitational Tournament…

Lost Ark Chat Not Working
If your area chat is not working in Lost Ark, you’re not alone. Following the recent weekly March update, a number of players have been…

Lost Ark Fruit Dragon Skin, Wisdom, Charisma, Courage, Kindness
A bunch of free goodies have been added to Lost Ark in the March 24th, 2022 update. The standout among these is the Fruit Dragon…

Lost Ark Winter Illusion Tokens & Vendor
The Lost Ark Winter Illusion Tokens and vendor have been the matter of some discourse among the fan base lately. Mostly, it seems that players…

Product Inventory Lost Ark, New Animal Skins, Player Gifts & Books
In our Product Inventory Lost Ark, New Animal Skins, Player Gifts & Books guide, we’ll cover a few important parts of the March 24th weekly…

Error 10010 Lost Ark Server Authentication Failed Fix
Lost Ark Server Authentication Failed is a problem that many players are encountering right now. Understandably, this is causing an uproar in the community. Together,…

Lost Ark Card Catalog Full, How to Expand Card Catalog
During your adventuring in Lost Ark, you will accumulate many, many cards over the course of the game. This is all part of LA’s deck-building…

Lingering Wind Lost Ark, Where is Nagi Solution
Many quests in Lost Ark have multiple phases and will have players travelling around and talking with several NPCs. One such quest is Lingering Wind….

Coin of Courage Lost Ark PVP Vendor
As is the case with most MMOs, Lost Ark too has several different currencies. This includes Gold, Silver, and Crystals. You earn all of these…

Lost Ark Kadan Quest, How to Start Story Episode
If you need to know how to start the Lost Ark Kadan story episode quest, we’ve got you covered. In order to unlock the Kadan…

Lost Ark Arkesia Grand Prix, How to Enter & Event Rewards
Lost Ark’s March 2022 update has brought many changes to the game. Some of the most exciting – and unexpected – new content that has…

Lost Ark Illusion Bamboo Island Mokoko Seed Locations
There is only one Lost Ark Illusion Bamboo Island Mokoko Seed location, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to find or reach. In fact,…

Lost Ark Arkesia Event Coin Exchange Shop
With the March update to Lost Ark now live, players can participate in a special event called the Arkesia Grand Prix. Like its name suggests,…