Tag Archives: lego marvel’s avengers collectibles

Lego Avengers Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes in Lego Marvel’s Avengers are numbers which you can use to unlock new characters. To enter a cheat code, load your game and…

Stan Lee in Peril Hub Locations
Stan Lee in Peril is a kind of collectible in Lego Marvel’s Avengers. These can be found all over the game world and in this…

Rail Hydra Minikit Locations
Rail Hydra is the third mission in Lego Marvel’s Avengers. It takes place partly in a gym, but mostly in Red Skull’s base. You can…

Minikit Locations in A Loki Entrance
A Loki Entrance is the second story mission in Lego Marvel’s Avengers. After completing it, you can engage in free play in the area. Once…

Red Bricks Locations
Red Bricks are collectibles in Lego Marvel’s Avengers that can be obtained only in Free Play mode. There are 15 Red Bricks in Lego Avengers,…

Stan Lee in Peril Manhattan Locations
Stan Lee in Peril is a collectible in Lego Marvel’s Avengers that can be found in various locations in the game world. In this guide…

Minikit Locations in Struck Off The List
Minikits are metallic canisters you can collect in Lego Marvel’s Avengers. There are 10 of them on the first mission, called Struck Off The List….