Tag Archives: heroes of the storm

HOTS Kel’Thuzad on PTR Now, Including Major Changes to Four Heroes
Heroes of the Storm PTR update version 2.27.3 lets you test out the upcoming hero Kel’Thuzad, get familiar with the big changes made to Chromie,…

HOTS August Balance Update Throws Nerfs Left and Right
Heroes of the Storm balance update 2.27.2 includes a lot of nerfs, and the first set of changes to the newest hero. Chen, Butcher, Xul…

HOTS Kel’Thuzad New Hero Preview – Primary, Heroic Abilities & Trait
Heroes of the Storm’s new hero is Kel’Thuzad, and Blizzard has made a preview of his abilities and traits. We’ll get to see him on…

HOTS New Hero Garrosh is Now on Live Servers With an Update
The Heroes of the Storm new hero, Garrosh, is now on live servers, along with the latest update, version 2.27.0 and its update notes. There…

Heroes of the Storm July 31st PTR Update Lets You Test Garrosh
The Heroes of the Storm July 31st PTR lets the players test the new hero Garrosh and other upcoming changes. Changes include adjustments to six…

Heroes of the Storm New August Items that Drop With Garrosh Entrance
Heroes of the Storm has dropped a trailer for the new items that will be added to the game once Garrosh makes his entrance into…

Heroes of the Storm Garrosh Trait, Heroic and Primary Abilities Spotlight
The Heroes of the Storm hero spotlight for Garrosh revealed his trait and heroic and primary abilities, as well as some other details. The trailer…

Heroes of the Storm Balance Update Boosts Chen’s Trait and More
Heroes of the Storm got a balance update, making changes to ten heroes. Almost everyone on this list went through some kind of a downgrade….

Heroes of the Storm – Improvements to Chen’s Trait In the Next Update
Heroes of the Storm hero Chen will receive a slight improvement to his trait in the next update. The information about it was posted by…

Heroes of the Storm Garrosh Hellscream is The Next Hero
The next hero coming to Hero of the Storm is Garrosh Hellscream. It is possible that we’ll see him live sometime during next month, in…

Heroes of the Storm July 21st Weekly Brawl is AzmoDUNK
Heroes of the Storm AzmoDUNK weekly brawl lasts from July 21-28. To complete it and earn the Loot Chest, you only need to play two…

Heroes of the Storm July 14th Weekly Brawl is Garden Arena
Heroes of the Storm Garden Arena weekly brawl lasts from July 14-21. To claim its prize, you’ll need to play three brawl matches. Keep in…

Heroes of the Storm New Hero and Balance Changes in 2.26.3 Update
Heroes of the Storm patch 2.26.3 is now live, bringing new hero Stukov, balance changes, tweaks and bug fixes. After more than a week of…

Heroes of the Storm 2nd Week of July Has a Bloodlust Weekly Brawl
Heroes of the Storm second week of July 2017 has Bloodlust as its Weekly Brawl. This brawl will last from July 7th to 14th. This…

HOTS New PTR July Build Brings New Hero and Xul Changes
The new Public Test Realm patch arrived, and it brought a new hero, UI updates, bug fixes and big changes to Xul. There is a…

HOTS Melee Support Alexei Stukov is a July Release Hero
A melee support hero, called Infested Admiral Stukov, is the next in line in Heroes of the Storm. This is a character that has its…

Heroes of the Storm Balance Changes 2.26.1 for June 2017
Heroes of the Storm 2.26.1 balance changes are live, just at the start of the summer event. Lots of heroes got the well-deserved nerfs, due…

Heroes of the Storm New Pull Party Brawl Starting June 30
Heroes of the Storm has a new brawl called Pull Party, coming on June 30th. It will last for one week, up to July 6th….

HOTS Summer 2017 Event Rewards Players With Huge Prizes
Summer in Heroes of the Storm will be hot, with more than 100 000 prizes for the players. The event, called “Sun’s Out, Guns Out”…

Heroes of the Storm June 23rd 2017 Weekly Brawl is Silver City
The last week of June will have a Silver City brawl in Heroes of the Storm. Silver City is a single lane map. To get…