Tag Archives: Hearthstone

Hearthstone Finale Keyword Explained
What is the “Finale” keyword in Hearthstone? Festival of Legends, the first Hearthstone expansion of 2023, is all about music, festivals and partying. And every…

Hearthstone Overheal Keyword Explained
How does the Overheal Keyword work in the Hearthstone Festival of Legends expansion? Festival of Legends, the first Hearthstone expansion of 2023, has just been…

Hearthstone Signature Cards Explained
What are Signature Cards in Hearthstone? Can you disenchant Signature Cards for dust? What is Signature Cards’ drop rate? These are all the questions Hearthstone…

Hearthstone Pity Timer & Legendary Drop Rate Explained
What is the drop rate for Legendary cards in Hearthstone? And how does the Pity Timer work? It’s that time of the year again for…

Hearthstone All Tables Full Explained
Are you receiving the “All Tables Full! There should be an empty seat in about X minutes” error message in Hearthstone? It has been eight…

How to Buy Multiple Packs With Gold Hearthstone
Not sure how to buy multiple packs simultaneously with Gold in Hearthstone? We’ve got you covered! Hearthstone’s 22nd expansion, March of the Lich King, is…

Hearthstone March Of The Lich King Release Date & Time
At what time does Hearthstone’s March Of The Lich King expansion release? If that’s what you want to know, you’ve come to the right place!…

Hearthstone Can’t Claim Tavern Pass Level 100 Hero Portrait Skin
Are you unable to choose Tavern Pass Level 100 Hero Skin in Hearthstone? You should know that you are not the only person with this…

Murder at Castle Nathria Release Date, Hearthstone Expansion
Hearthstone is, without a doubt, one of the most popular digital card games of all time. Ever since it came out in 2014, it has…

Open Murder at Castle Nathria Packs Early, Pre-Release Weekend
Don’t know how to create a private pre-release Fireside Gathering in order to open Murder at Castle Nathria packs in Hearthstone? We will explain everything…

HS Murder at Castle Nathria Twitch Drops Date & Time
Want to know how to get free Murder at Castle Nathria packs via Twitch Drops? The second Hearthstone expansion of 2022 is almost here, and…

Hearthstone Infuse Keyword Explained, Murder at Castle Nathria
What is the Infuse keyword in Hearthstone and how does it work? Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Murder at Castle Nathria, is set to be released this…

Murloc Warlock Hearthstone Deck, Sunken City Meta
The Voyage to the Sunken City expansion is set to bring numerous new decks in the Hearthstone meta. And while there are many new archetypes,…

Mech Mage Hearthstone Deck, Sunken City Meta
The Voyage to the Sunken City expansion is now live! The first Hearthstone expansion of the year has arrived and players are already exploring the…

Hearthstone Voyage to the Sunken City Release Date & Time
Hearthstone’s first expansion of 2022, Voyage to the Sunken City, is set to bring some major changes to the current Hearthstone meta. The set is…

How to Open Voyage to the Sunken City Packs Early in Hearthstone
If you have pre-ordered Voyage to the Sunken City bundle, you can open those packs before the newest Hearthstone expansion officially releases. Hearthstone Fireside Gathering…

Hearthstone Core Set 2022 All Cards
Traditionally, Hearthstone is going through its biggest changes with the first yearly expansion. That’s when old sets are rotating out of Standard, and the new…

Hearthstone Announced New Mini-Set The Wailing Caverns
There’s a new mini-set coming to Hearthstone, called The Wailing Caverns. It’s launching on June 3rd, and you’ll be able to get all of the…

Hearthstone Update Paves the Way For Knights of the Frozen Throne
The latest update for Hearthstone, released yesterday, is preparing the world for the release of Knights of The Frozen Throne. Even though the expansion isn’t…

Hearthstone Upcoming Update Changes Legendary Cards in Packs
Hearthstone is getting another update, which will coincide with the upcoming new expansion. The update is meant to re-balance card packs; specifically, which Legendary cards…