Tag Archives: Gwent Guides

Advanced Monsters Weather Deck Gwent Guide
Advanced Monster Weather deck contains Gwent cards that are a bit expensive to craft, but synergize with the idea of this deck very well. It…

Skellige Resurrect and Buff Power Gwent Deck Guide
The Skellige faction in Gwent has powerful resurrect synergies and a special power-buffing card that helps you create a deck that has one of the…

Northern Realms Cheap Buff OTK Deck Gwent Guide
Northern Realms Cheap Buff OTK Deck in Gwent is an attempt to create a deck that has enough power in the first round to finish…

F2P Gwent Tips and Strategies
Strategies for playing as F2P player in Gwent are getting more important as the closed beta continues. Since a limited number of invites is sent…

Which Cards Affect Gold Units in Gwent
Which cards affect Gwent gold cards is a question many have been asking. They are the strongest and most resilient cards you can have in…

Monsters Weather Control Deck Gwent Guide
Monsters Weather Control deck in Gwent is a deck to be played in the closed Beta of the game. It is a cheap deck and…

Gwent Level Rewards & Progression
Leveling up in Gwent works a little differently than you’d expect. The level progression has clear rules, but they can be hard to grasp early…

Gwent Tips for Hearthstone Players
Gwent is a card battling game set in the The Witcher universe. It pits two players against each other in a battle of wits, numbers…

Currency Guide for Gwent Closed Beta
Gwent closed Beta uses in-game currency for crafting cards and buying card kegs. This means you can earn Gwent cards by winning matches and leveling…

Gwent Tips and Tricks
Gwent is the Witcher card game that is currently live in the beta phase. It is interesting because of the number of combinations and possibilities…

Errors & Bugs in Gwent Closed Beta
Gwent closed Beta has its share of glitches and errors, like any Beta. We’ve compiled a list of known bugs and problems, as well as…

Friend Match in Gwent Closed Beta
Friend Match is the option that allows you to play Gwent with your friends and acquaintances. It lets you connect to people you know and…

How to download Gwent Closed Beta
Gwent is a card game set in the Witcher universe. It’s currently in closed beta, so only certain people were fortunate enough to be invited….

Deck Building – Basic Guide
Gwent deck building was first talked about during the Beta pre-launch live stream. Gwent developers showcased some pre-made decks for all four available factions. Now…

In-Game Currency – How to Get It?
Gwent in-game currency information was first revealed during the official pre-closed Beta live stream. Team GWENT officials introduced us to this mechanic which is vital…