Tag Archives: guide

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Codes & Rewards
If you’re looking for Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga unlock codes, you have come to the right place! The iconic lego series is arguably…

Nba 2k17 How To Stop CPU Off Ball Movement Shots
In this NBA 2k17 guide, we will help you prevent those deadly off ball movement shots made by the CPU opponent. Even when you play…

Auction House Money Making Guide
NBA 2K17 Auction House money making guide will help you earn a nice amount of MT for your perfect MyTeam. The method is quite easy…

Tips And Tricks Guide
With The Order: 1886, right around the corner, we’ve decided to write down some basic tips for playing the game more efficiently. Some of these…

The Stick of Truth Side Quests List
South Park: The Stick of Truth side quests guide with detailed instructions will help you find and complete all side quests.

Battlefield 4 Errors and how to solve them
Battlefield 4 launched with several issues, some of them have been fixed with the latest patches, but some crashes and errors still spoil the game. In the list below we covered a number of issues and if you are looking for a solution, take a look at the following conclusions.

Dead Rising 3 PP Trials Guide
The easiest way to earn Prestige Points (PP) is by completing 59 challenges marked as PP Trials. The list of available PP Trials can be found under the Player Tab, and their number increases as you progress through the game.

Dead Rising 3 Weapon Blueprints Locations
List of Combo Weapons and blueprints in Dead Rising 3 listed in the order that you are likely to find them, along with ingredients and blueprint locations.

AC4 Legendary Ships Guide
In four corners of Caribbean Islands’ map, you can find five Legendary Ships. They are designed as extremely tough ships, level 75, with devastating fire power, and large amount of health. The battle begins once you get close enough, about 500 meters.

AC4 Mayan Stela Locations Guide
The Mayan Outfit, which deflects metal projectiles, is hidden behind a secret door in Tulum, that can be opened after collecting each of 16 Mayan Stones, scattered through the map.

Shipwreck Beach Map of Collectible Locations
Map of collectibles found in Tomb Raider level Shipwreck Beach with visual guides and walkthroughs for all Challenges, Documents, GPS Caches, Relics, Treasure Maps, Camps and Tombs
The Flooded Vault Day Camp
Detailed explanation with images for The Flooded Vault Day Camp in Shipwreck Beach

Tomb Raider Summit Forest Map of Collectible Locations
Map of collectibles found in Tomb Raider level Summit Forest with visual guides and walkthroughs for all Challenges, Documents, GPS Caches, Relics, Treasure Maps, Camps and Tombs
Stormguard Sanctum Day Camp
Detailed explanation with images for Stormguard Sanctum Day Camp in Summit Forest

Tomb Raider Shantytown Map of Collectible Locations
Map of collectibles found in Tomb Raider level Shantytown with visual guides and walkthroughs for all Challenges, Documents, GPS Caches, Relics, Treasure Maps, Camps and Tombs
Vista Tower
Detailed explanation with images for Vista Tower in Shantytown
Chamber of Judgment Day Camp
Detailed explanation with images for Chamber of Judgment Day Camp in Shantytown
Ancient Gate
Detailed explanation with images for Ancient Gate in Shantytown
Well of Tears day camp
Detailed explanation with images for Well of Tears day camp in Shantytown

Tomb Raider Base Exterior Map of Collectible Locations
Map of collectibles found in Tomb Raider level Base Exterior with visual guides and walkthroughs for all Challenges, Documents, GPS Caches, Relics, Treasure Maps, Camps and Tombs