Tag Archives: god of war collectibles

Dragon Tear God of War Locations – Shattered Gauntlet of Ages Upgrade
Dragon Tears are a valuable, rare resource in God of War. You can use them to upgrade the Shattered Gauntlet of Ages talisman in God…

Alfheim God of War Puzzle – Nornir Rune Chest solution
In God of War Alfehim region I came across a Rune chest puzzle, or Nornir chest as the game calls it, that really had me…

God of War Muspelheim Cipher Piece Locations – Trilingual Trophy
Muspelheim cipher pieces are collectibles in God of War. There are four of them, and getting them all will allow you to enter the realm…

God of War Witch’s Cave Exploration – How to Come Back
Witch’s Cave is an area in Midgard in God of War. There’s a lot to find in the area, including collectibles and much more. However,…

God of War Spoils of War Artefact Locations in Alfheim
Spoils of War are a kind of collectible in God of War. They’re abandoned relics from the conflict between Light and Dark Elves. There are…

God of War Idunn Apples Locations – How to Solve Rune Chest Puzzles
Idunn apples are a type of collectible in God of War. There are nine of them in total, and each three you collect will upgrade…

God of War Horn of Blood Mead Locations – Rune Chest Puzzle Solutions
Horn of Blood Mead is a collectible in God of War. There’s only nine of them in the entire game, and every time you find…

God of War Niflheim Cipher Locations – How to unlock Trilingual Trophy
Niflheim cipher pieces are collectibles in God of War. There are only four of them in the game, but once you’ve found them all, you’ll…

God of War Yggdrasil’s Dew Locations – How To Increase Stats
Yggdrasil’s dew is a collectible in God of War that can prove to be very valuable for min-max players . It’s a magical dew drop…

God of War Lost & Found Artefacts – Collectible Toy Locations
Lost & Found is an artefact set in God of War. It consists of four toys which you can find in Wildwoods, the starting area….

God of War Abandon Ship Artefacts – Shiphead Locations
Abandon ship artefacts are a type of collectible in God of War. They’re figureheads from shipwrecks, and you can find them along the Lake of…

God of War More Than Myth Labor – All Jotnar Shrine Locations
More than Myth is a labor (side quest) you can complete in God of War, It requires you to find all the Jotnar Shrine locations…