Tag Archives: genshin impact quests

Look for That Person Genshin Impact
In the Look for that Person Genshin Impact quest step, which is a part of the The Five Colors’ True Form mission, you need to…

Continue the Pursuit Genshin Impact
Now that Genshin Impact 2.5 has been released, a wave of new content has come with it. This includes new characters you can play with…

Cave Below the Grand Narukami Shrine Genshin Impact
The cave below the Grand Narukami Shrine in Genshin Impact is the place where you need to go in one of the quests from update…

How to Get to Enkanomiya Genshin Impact
Figuring out how to unlock and get to Enkanomiya in Genshin Impact can get a little complicated, but you definitely have to figure it out….

Find Conduction Components Genshin Impact – Shadow of the Ancients
Find Conduction Components in Genshin Impact Shadow of the Ancients quest requires you to use the Ayesha’s Chaos Prospector item to find special components in…

Ruin Murals Genshin Impact – The Saga of Mr. Forgetful
Genshin Impact Ruin Murals in The Saga of Mr. Forgetful are six murals that you have to photograph in order to finish the quest. You…

Find Your Way Through the Mist and Make an Offering at the Perches Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Find Your Way Through the Mist and Make an Offering at the Perches is a quest step you’ll have to complete three times…

How to Start A Particularly Particular Author – Through the Mists – Genshin Impact
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to start the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author – Through the Mists, you’re probably not the only one….

Make an Offering to the Perch Genshin Impact – A Particularly Particular Author
The Make an Offering to the Perch step in the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author quest seems to be causing a bit of trouble for…

Spectral Secrets Day 5 – Genshin Impact Tatarasuna Preliminary Investigation
The Genshin Impact Spectral Secrets Day 5 Tatarasuna preliminary investigation mission requires you to charge three electric lamps using electrograna and defeat eight Specters. Really,…

Komaki Cave of Ill Fortune Location Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact Komaki Cave of Ill Fortune location is the place where the soothsaying old lady tells you that something bad might happen. So,…

Face Symbol Locations Rinzou’s Treasure Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Rinzou’s Treasure Face Symbol locations are places where you can find these symbols that look like a yokai mask and find the treasure…

Look for Teppei Location – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Look for Teppei location is the place in Bourou Village where you can find Teppei in the eponymous quest. The game does give…

Storytelling Method – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Storytelling Method is an Inazuma world quest that Travelers have known about for a while now. However, now that Update 2.1 is out,…

Fertilizer Salesperson – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Fertilizer Salesperson is an Inazuma world quest that the developers announced for Update 2.1. However, Travelers that have attempted to find this quest…

Seirai Island Pictures Genshin Impact – Reminiscence of Seirai
Genshin Impact Seirai Island pictures locations in Reminiscence of Serai are places where you need to go and take a photo of the local landscape….

Break the Tail Seal Genshin Impact Tail of Watatsumi
The Genshin Impact Tail of Watatsumi quest requires you to break the Tail Seal. That will require some speed and a good eye, because you…

Activate the Mechanism – Genshin Impact Relics of Seirai
Genshin Impact Activate the Mechanism in Relics of Serai is a step in the Fujiwara Toshiko puzzle quest where you’ll have to solve three puzzles…

Complete Anti-Raiden Shogun Training – Genshin Impact Avoid Being Hit by Finishing Move
Genshin Impact Complete Anti-Raiden Shogun Training requires you to avoid being hit by the finishing move after successfully dodging various attacks for about a full…

Solve the Puzzle of the Watatsumi Statue – Genshin Impact Solitary Sea Beast
Genshin Impact Solve the Puzzle of the Watatsumi Statue is one of the quest steps you’ll encounter during the Solitary Sea Beast quest. It requires…