Tag Archives: genshin impact guides

Genshin Impact Bounties Location
Genshin Impact bounties are a new kind of activity that you can do after visiting the Reputation Vendor in Mondstadt. Each one of them requires…

Genshin Impact Mondstadt and its Archon Quest Start Requirements
Mondstadt and its Archon quest in Genshin Impact is one of the new missions that you can do in Update 1.1 if you meet the…

How to Use Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Condensed Resin is a new resource in Update 1.1, and there are many questions people are asking about them. For example, how to…

Hilichurls Wei Locations Genshin Impact Update 1.1
Genshin Impact Hilichurls Wei are a new type of Hilichurls added in Update 1.1, and they can spawn in many different locations. Figuring out where…

Genshin Impact Equivalent Exchange – Quest Start Requirements
Equivalent Exchange quest in Genshin Impact is a new mission that you can get in Update 1.1, but a number of players are experiencing problems…

Reputation Vendor Location in Mondstadt & Liyue Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Mondstadt and Liyue reputation vendors are new NPCs that you can discover in the 1.1 Update. They give you various rewards for completing…

Update Genshin Impact Version 1.1 on PC, Android, iOS, PS4
Genshin Impact Version 1.1 update is coming out soon on PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4, and some people will be wondering how to get…

Genshin Impact Update 1.1 Release Date and Time
The release date and time of Genshin Impact Update 1.1 has been a matter of interest among players in the recent weeks, ever since it…

Genshin Impact Holy Water
Holy water in Genshin Impact is an item that you can find and use in the game. The only place where you can find it…

Pinecone Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact pinecones are a resource that you can find scattered around the map, and is necessary to complete one of the steps in the…

Marvelous Merchandise Genshin Impact Location
Marvelous Merchandise is a new, limited time event in Genshin Impact. While it’s on, a new vendor called Liben will appear in different places each…

Mushrooms Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact mushrooms are one of many plants that you can find in the game, and it’s necessary for completing one of the steps in…

Pyro Regisvine Genshin Impact Location
Pyro Regisvine is an elite boss in Genshin Impact. It’s a giant, fiery flower that drops Pyro character ascension materials upon defeat, so you’ll have…

Genshin Impact Lingju Pass Geo Pillars Puzzle
Lingju Pass geo pillars puzzle is one of the elemental challenges in Genshin Impact. You’ll notice the pillars as you enter the area – there’s…

Domain of the Wayward Path Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Domain of the Wayward Path is a side mission that you can complete in the game, and it requires you to solve a…

Genshin Impact Find Prince – Master’s Day Off Quest
Master’s Day Off is a side quest in Genshin Impact. One of the steps in said quest involves helping Margaret, the owner of Cat’s Tail,…

Genshin Impact Repair Broken Bridge at Wangshu Inn – Level Up Achievement
Wangshu Inn is a location in Genshin Impact. It’s a tavern with a great view in the north of Liyue. It was built high atop…

Pressing Deadlines Genshin Impact – Friendship Increased Answers
Genshin Impact Pressing Deadlines is a quest in the game through which you can increase your friendship with Nervous An and Jiangzhou. These are two…

Cloud Retainer Genshin Impact – Custodian of Clouds Puzzle
Custodian of Clouds in Genshin Impact is a quest that you can complete and mee the Cloud Retainer. In order to beat the Genshin Impact…

Genshin Impact Error Code 4201
Error Code 4201 in Genshin Impact is a bug that has been plaguing players all over the place. It doesn’t seem to care which platform…