Tag Archives: genshin impact guides

Shiki Taishou Pet Genshin Impact – How to Get Shiki Koshou
The new Genshin Impact pet Shiki Koshou is a matter of some interest among Travelers. It is an adorable, paper doll version of Shiki Taishou,…

Eula Birthday Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact Eula birthday happening seems to be causing some confusion among the players, specifically the part that mentions her wanting to “go skiing…

Una Ghost Genshin Impact – Kina & Kito Sachet
Ghosts have made their spooky appearance in Genshin Impact 2.2. We’ve already covered Ghost Abe and his mushroom puzzle, and now we will do the…

Ghost Abe Location & Mushroom Puzzle Solution Genshin Impact 2.2
Ghost Abe and his Mushroom Puzzle is one of the most interesting things about Genshin Impact 2.2. Abe, along with other Ghosts, will only appear…

Complete Wishes to Unlock Event – Genshin Impact Tuned to the World’s Sounds
A new special event called Tuned To The World’s Sounds has been added to Genshin Impact 2.2. To be able to start it, you will…

Ruin Murals Genshin Impact – The Saga of Mr. Forgetful
Genshin Impact Ruin Murals in The Saga of Mr. Forgetful are six murals that you have to photograph in order to finish the quest. You…

Genshin Impact 2.2 Recipe Locations
Genshin Impact 2.2 has unveiled five new recipes, and their locations are all in Inazuma. You can buy four from the same place, yet one…

Murals Puzzle – All 3 Star Shaped Gem Seelie Locations Genshin Impact
Tsurumi Island, the newest island added to Genshin Impact with the 2.2 update, really opens up once you get the Peculiar Pinion gadget. Among other…

All Stone Slate Genshin Impact Tsurumi Island Puzzle
Tsurumi Island, the newest island added to Genshin Impact in the 2.2 update, is home to several stone slate puzzles. Seven, in fact. These are…

Genshin Impact Solve the Mystery of the Stones at Wakukau Shoal – Octave of the Maushiro
One Genshin Impact Quest within Octave of the Maushiro asks you to solve the Mystery of the Stones at Wakukau Shoal. The task is not…

Shirikoro Peak Relay Stone Puzzles Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact Shirikoro Peak relay stone puzzles are puzzles you’ll have to solve in order to complete the A Particularly Particular Author quest. On…

How to Get Peculiar Pinion Feather Gadget Genshin Impact 2.2
The Peculiar Pinion is a feather gadget that has been introduced to Genshin Impact 2.2. It functions similarly to the Memento Lens in that using…

Genshin Impact Sayu Hangout – All Endings
Genshin Impact 2.2 is out and we have two new Hangout quests we can complete. The first of these is the Thoma Hangout, and the…

Tsurumi Island Electroculus Near Statue of the Seven Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact Tsurumi Island electroculus near Statue of the Seven is relatively easy to get, once you know where to look for it. Well,…

Genshin Impact Star Shaped Gem – Owl Statues puzzle
With Genshin Impact 2.2 out, players are busy exploring all the new content that has been added to the game with this latest update. Full…

Hidden Achievements Genshin Impact 2.2
There are many new hidden achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2. All of them are tied to the newly-added hangout events. Two of them are in…

Genshin Impact Thoma Hangout – All Endings
Among the many new additions that Genshin Impact 2.2 has added is the new Hangout quest for Thoma. Like in every other Hangout quest, there…

Genshin Impact Shirikoro Peak Rotating Cubes Puzzle Solution
The Shirikoro Peak rotating cubes puzzle solution in Genshin Impact is pretty straightforward – you just have to turn the blocks so that they’re all…

Genshin Impact Shirikoro Peak Puzzle – Underground Pyro Torches
Genshin Impact 2.2 is here, and we all know what that means – a whole bunch of new puzzles! Two of these are in the…

Find Your Way Through the Mist and Make an Offering at the Perches Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Find Your Way Through the Mist and Make an Offering at the Perches is a quest step you’ll have to complete three times…