Tag Archives: final fantasy xv guides

Regalia Car
Regalia is the vehicle used for traveling across the area by the main characters in Final Fantasy XV. This black-colored, four-seater convertible with a leather…

Character Customization in Final Fantasy XV
Character Attire Customization consists of several different outfits for each character. They come in standard and no jacket edition. While playing you can change them…

Chocobos in FFXV
Chocobos in Final Fantasy XV are something that everyone who likes the series is expecting. You will not be disappointed, as Chocobos have their place…

FFXV Preorder Bonuses & Editions
Final Fantasy XV is coming out in a little more than a month. If you’re thinking of preordering, you’re probably fairly confused about the whole…

Moogles in FFXV
More than a year ago, Square Enix revealed there won’t be any Moogles in Final Fantasy XV. A large part of the fanbase got quite…