Tag Archives: final fantasy xv guides

FFXV Strategy Guides & Walkthroughs
Final Fantasy XV is a massive open world game, full with quests, enemies and activities. Play the role of the main character Noctis, as he…

Black Chocobo – How to get it
FFXV Black Chocobos are a special subspecies of everybody’s favorite Final Fantasy bird. They’ve had various abilities over the years, but the thing that always…

FFXV Sky Gemstone Locations
Sky Gemstone is a rare material in Final Fantasy XV. It can be used to upgrade the Circular Saw machinery – talk to Cid at…

FFXV Dungeon Locked Door – How to unlock
There are secret doors at the end of many dungeons in Final Fantasy XV. When you first find them, you won’t be able to open…

Ever Illustrious Regalia Quest
Ever Illustrious Regalia quest is a mission given by Cindy in Final Fantasy XV. You get this quest once you complete the “The Ever Valorous…

FFXV Summons
Final Fantasy XV summons are giant creatures that can aid you in battle. They’ve been around through the series in various forms, with different names,…

Coeurl Whiskers Locations
Couerl Whiskers are an item you can find in Final Fantasy XV. They are the whiskers of a coeurl, and they seem to have no…

Hydraulic Cylinder Locations
Hydraulic Cylinder is an item You can pick up in Final Fantasy XV. You need this item in order to complete the A Better Gravity…

Better Bioblaster Quest
A Better Bioblaster quest is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The Bioblaster is a weapon that Noctis and Prompto can use. If you…

Glass Gemstone Locations
Glass Gemstone is an item that you can discover in Final Fantasy XV. You need this item to complete the A Better Engine Blade II…

Better Drain Lance Quest in FFXV
A Better Drain Lance quest is a side quest in Final Fantasy XV. The Drain Lance is a weapon that both Noctis and Ignis can…

FFXV Frogs of Legend Quest
Frogs of Legend is a quest in Final Fantasy XV. It is the last step in the Professor’s Protege chain. It involves helping Sania find…

FFXV Greyshire Glacial Grotto Dungeon
Greyshire Grotto is one of the dungeons in Final Fantasy XV. It is a part of The Sword in the Waterfall quest, given to you…

Crestholm Channels Dungeon
Crestholm Channels is a dungeon in Final Fantasy XV. It is a part of The Ever Illustrious Regalia quest, given to you by Cindy in…

FFXV Sturdy Helixhorn Locations
Sturdy Helixhorn is an item you can find in Final Fantasy XV. They are horns, and they seem like unnecessary junk, only there to be…

FFXV Metal Scraps Locations
Metal scraps are items you can find in Final Fantasy XV. They are a treasure item, and doesn’t seem of much use on the surface….

Duscae Shop Locations
Final Fantasy XV Shops are a valuable source of goods. They sell consumables, recipes, weapons and more. You can buy items from weapon vendors, mini…

How to get FFXV Regalia Type-F
Regalia Type-F is a flying car in Final Fantasy XV. It’s a modification for your standard Regalia (the car Noctis gets from his dad) that…

How to level up fast in FFXV
While playing Final Fantasy XV, your characters’ stats will increase when you level up. To do so, you’ll have to earn EXP – experience points….

Final Fantasy XV Review Round-up
Final Fantasy XV is going to be released tomorrow, but the review embargo is officialy over. This means reviews of the game have started to…