Tag Archives: ffxiv guides

FFXIV Boot Error 30605 Fix
In our FFXIV Boot Error 30605 Fix guide, we are going to explain what the most common causes for this problem are and what you…

Discord Overlay Not Working Valorant, CSGO, FFXIV 2023
When it comes to gaming, there are few apps that are as important, or as widely used, as Discord. The Discord Game Overlay is one…

FFXIV Launcher Error 503, HTTPS System Error Issue
FF14 is one of the few truly successful MMORPGs. Thanks to its engaging story, colorful characters, and loads and loads of thrilling quests for players…

FFXIV Hatching Tide 2023, Easter Event
The Hatching-tide seasonal event in FF14 is finally here! This Easter Event represents a pretty easy way to get some great stuff for your character….

FFXIV Ultimate Omega Weapons
The FFXIV Ultimate Omega Weapons are weapons that you can earn in the new Omega Protocol Ultimate Raid. There is a large number of them…

FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022
The FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022 event is right around the corner. So, of course, dedicated players want to know more details about the upcoming FF14…

FFXIV Dive Underwater & Swim
Final Fantasy XIV is an absolutely huge game, and it has only gotten bigger and bigger with every new content update. Recently, the FFXIV Island…

FFXIV Error 3070, World Data Could Not Be Obtained Fix
If you need a FFXIV Error 3070 World Data Could Not Be Obtained fix, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to give you…

FFXIV Bone Necklace Fashion Report Week 221
The FFXIV Fashion Report Week 221 Bone Necklace is an item you can use for the A Bone to Pick” necklace clue. There are several…

Get FFXIV Immutable Solution
You need to know where to find and how to get Immutable Solution in FFXIV if you want to craft certain items, like Hannish Fiber….

Get FFXIV Vinegaroon Mount
If you want to know how to get the FFXIV Vinegaroon mount in Patch 6.1, we’ve got your back. The process is long and arduous;…

FFXIV Ultima Thule Aether Current Locations
Ultima Thule is the last stop in FFXIV and has several Aether Current locations for you to find and collect. This area of Hydaelyn is…

FFXIV Fashion Report Hot Under The Collar
FFXIV Fashion Report has arrived, and this week and the clue is “Hot Under the Collar.” This is a weekly event in Final Fantasy Online….

FFXIV Fashion Report Padded Pier Sitter
This week’s FFXIV fashion report has arrived, and the brief asks for a Padded Pier Sitter outfit. The name implies it should be something you…

FFXIV Fashion Report – Fangs Bared
This week’s FFXIV Fashion Report task has arrived and has the title of – Fangs Bared. This suggests you need to get feline with your…

FFXIV Delubrum Reginae – How to Start, Rules & Features, Savage
Delubrum Reginae is a new large scale duty in Final Fantasy XIV, added in patch 5.45. The raid is available to players above level 80,…