Tag Archives: fallout 4 Far Harbor

Vim Power Armor Paint job in Far Harbor DLC
There are not that many power armor related things happening in the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4. However we did manage to discover a…

Far Harbor Endings
Far Harbor is the latest DLC for Fallout 4. It tasks you with finding a girl that’s gone missing and sends you off to a…

DiMA’s Memory retrieval puzzle solutions – Far Harbor
As part of the main quest in Fallout 4’s Far Harbor DLC you will be tasked with hacking into DiMA’s old memories. These are located…

New Far Harbor Unique Weapons
Far Harbor is the latest DLC for Fallout 4. It features a whole new area, along with all the stuff that entails, including a bunch…

Fish Catcher
Fish Catcher is a melee weapon you can find in Fallout 4. It was added in the latest DLC, Far Harbor. It’s a hook at…

Old Reliable Unique Weapon
Old Reliable is a lever-action rifle you can find in Fallout 4’s latest DLC, Far Harbor. Every time you pull the trigger, it shoots a…

Marine Armor Set – Far Harbor DLC
Marine Armor is a new set you can find and use in Fallout 4’s Far Harbor DLC. It has rather good stats and comes in…

New Far Harbor Armor Suits and Sets
Far Harbgor is a rather large DLC for Fallout 4 and beside bringing a lot of new quests and story it also introduces some new…

Admiral’s Friend Location
Admiral’s Friend is a harpoon gun in Fallout 4. It was added along with the Far Harbor DLC. It uses harpoons as ammo – it’s…

Butcher’s Hook – Far Harbor
Butcher’s Hook is a unique weapon in Fallout 4: Far Harbor. It’s used in close combat – when you score critical hits, it will refill…

Harvester Location – Far Harbor
The Harvester is a melee weapon in Far Harbor, the latest Fallout 4 DLC. It’s a modified version of the ripper, a small chainsaw, that…

Kiloton Radium Rifle
Kiloton Radium Rifle is one of the new weapons in Fallout 4, added in the Far Harbor expansion. It’s a semi-automatic rifle that shoots explosive,…

Bloodletter Unique Weapon
Bloodletter is a unique melee weapon in Fallout 4: Far Harbor. It’s a family heirloom you can receive as a reward for helping a sad,…

Atom’s Judgement
Atom’s Judgement is one of the new unique weapons in Fallout 4. It was added in the Far Harbor DLC and it’s closely tied to…

December’s Child – Unique Fo4 Far Harbor Weapon Guide
December’s Child is one of the new unique weapons in Fallout 4. It was added in the Far Harbor DLC, and you can get it…

The Striker – Far Harbor
The Striker is a unique weapon in Fallout 4: Far Harbor. It looks like a Fat Man, but uses bowling balls as ammunition. After you…

Lever Action Rifle – Far Harbor
Lever Action Rifle is one of the new weapons in Fallout 4. It was added in the Far Harbor DLC, and can be obtained pretty…

Far Harbor Guard Dog Companions location – Mishka, Gracie, Duke
Far Harbor Guard Dog companions – Mishka, Gracie and Duke are mutant dogs trained by the strange NPC Erickson. These animals have only one role…

Rescue Diver Suit location – Far Harbor
Rescue Diver Suit is new gear that can be found in the latest Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC. This armor looks like an old scuba…

Islander’s Almanac Locations – Far Harbor
Islander’s Almanac is a brand new magazine available in the latest Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC. This magazine consists of 5 issues scattered all over…