Tag Archives: fallout 4 armor

Power Armor Locations
Power Armor is a special type of armor/suit in Fallout 4. It’s extremely powerful and provides great protection from all kinds of damage. It is…

Marine Armor Set – Far Harbor DLC
Marine Armor is a new set you can find and use in Fallout 4’s Far Harbor DLC. It has rather good stats and comes in…

New Far Harbor Armor Suits and Sets
Far Harbgor is a rather large DLC for Fallout 4 and beside bringing a lot of new quests and story it also introduces some new…

Rescue Diver Suit location – Far Harbor
Rescue Diver Suit is new gear that can be found in the latest Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC. This armor looks like an old scuba…

Where to find X-01 Power Armor
Power Armor X-01 is a suit of power armor in Fallout 4. It is the best one in the game, and can only be obtained…

How to get Maxson’s Battlecoat
Maxson’s Battlecoat is a unique armor in Fallout 4. It’s a brown fur coat worn by Elder Maxson, the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel….

Armor & Outfits
Armor and outfits in Fallout 4 change the way your character looks and provide protection from damage. Some costumes even ifluence your stats – a…