Tag Archives: elden ring guides

Elden Ring Patches at Shaded Castle, Give Dancer’s Castanets to Tanith
Elden Ring version 1.03 is here! It has brought an abundance of improvements and balance changes, but also some new story elements. A couple of…

Elden Ring Tell Diallos He Defended the Jars or Not Choice
First off, in our Elden Ring Tell Diallos He Defended the Jars or Not Choice guide, there will be SPOILERS. We’ll be revealing what happens…

Elden Ring White Reed Armor, Okina Mask Helm Location
Considering that FromSoftware is a Japanese studio, it’s no surprise that each one of their games has a lot of Japanese-inspired influences. This is especially…

Elden Ring Jar Bairn Location
The location of the Jar Bairn Elden Ring new NPC has been the matter of much interest among the player base, and how could it…

Elden Ring Radahn Great Rune, How to Activate
As befits a Dark Souls-like game developed by From Soft, Elden Ring is likewise filled with all sorts of deadly enemies. If you are not…

Elden Ring Golden Order Greatsword Location
Finding the location of the Golden Order Greatsword, one of Elden Ring’s legendary armaments, will not be a particularly strenuous venture. Like all other legendary…

Elden Ring Jar Cannon Ammo & Location
In our Elden Ring Jar Cannon Ammo & Location guide, we’ll be covering two important points about this ranged weapon. First off, we’ll tell you…

Elden Ring Cerulean Hidden Tear Location
Knowing where to find the Cerulean Hidden Tear in Elden Ring is essential for players who are focused on heavy FP usage. This powerful Crystal…

Elden Ring Talking Jellyfish, Sister Where Did You Go
The Elden Ring talking Jellyfish puzzle is something you’ll encounter in later phases of the game. The puzzle is related to Stargazers’ Ruins sealed door,…

Elden Ring Malenia Great Rune, How to Get & Activate
Malenia, Blade of Miquella is one of the most powerful bosses you can face in Elden Ring. Since she is a Demi-God and one of…

Elden Ring Erdtree Sanctuary Hanging Item
The Elden Ring Erdtree Sanctuary hanging item is one of the trickier pieces of loot to get. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t grab…

Elden Ring Albinauric Rise Puzzle, Fanged Imp Ashes Location
There are a variety of puzzles to solve in Elden Ring. These can be very difficult to solve, but doing so is very much in…

Elden Ring Seppuku Location
The Elden Ring Seppuku location is the place where you can find this Ashes of War weapon upgrade. The catch is that you’re actually hunting…

Elden Ring Icerind Hatchet Location
As every From Software player will tell you, acquiring better and more powerful gear is one of the driving reasons for playing these games, and…

Get to Nokstella Eternal City Elden Ring
Elden Ring’s Nokstella Eternal City is just one of many secret areas in the Lands Between. The ever-expanding world of Elden Ring is truly humongous…

Elden Ring Mirage Rise, Touch Three Phantom Crests Puzzle
You need to solve the Touch Three Phantom Crests Elden Ring Mirage Rise puzzle in order to make the tower appear. You can’t loot what…

You Are Not Destined To Open This Elden Ring
There are many secrets in Elden Ring. These can take many forms – from new areas to access, bosses to battle, and mighty items to…

Elden Ring Mohg Great Rune, How to Get & Activate
In Elden Ring, the Great Runes are some of the most powerful items you will be able to acquire. Since the only way you will…

Elden Ring Greatshield Soldier Ashes Location
The Elden Ring Greatshield Soldier Ashes location is relatively hard to find, only because it’s tucked away in a tenebrous area that is difficult to…

How to Upgrade Mimic Tear in Elden Ring
If you need to know how to upgrade the Mimic Tear Ashes in Elden Ring, we’ve got your back. And why wouldn’t you? After all,…