Tag Archives: editorial

Lies of P review

Lies of P Review – Clockborne Rising

There are great many Marlenas in this world, but only one of them is Dietrich. The same goes for Bloodborne, from which the famous “borne”…

Starfield review

Starfield Review – Small Step for Mankind

Perusing the early impressions of Starfield, I noticed the absence of serious attempts to compare it with Mass Effect. As if many esteemed colleagues were…

Gord review

Gord Review – Mudpunk

Have you ever contemplated living in the swamp village from the medieval fairy tales/games? Not being a hero, just existing as the pauper in the…

Pikmin 4 review

Pikmin 4 Review – Vegan Violence

Believe it or not, there is a first-party Nintendo gaming franchise that struggles with breaking out in the mainstream. Since its debut in 2001, the…

BattleBit Remastered Review

BattleBit Remastered Preview – LowPoly Bonanza

Multiplayer shooters on the PC are legion. Extraction shooters and battle royales are dominating the modern battlespace, lately taking precedence over more traditional forms. When…

Diablo 4 review

Diablo 4 Review – Desolation Row

In these uncertain, turbulent times, quality escapism is pretty much essential for individual well-being. Preferably, that distraction is something a person intimately recognizes and enjoys…

Amnesia The Bunker review

Amnesia: The Bunker Review – 3D Monster Maze

Frictional Games are undisputed masters of interactive dread since the first Amnesia (2010). Their signature brand of horror had always involved a defenseless amnesiac protagonist…

System Shock review

System Shock Review – Remember Citadel

Imagine being a caveman hunting a mammoth with a flint-tipped spear and bone arrows. Suddenly, a bright light flashes, weirdly dressed stranger materializes in front…

Humanity Review

Humanity Review – Mind Over Mater

Reading up on Humanity, I was vaguely expecting a simple puzzle game reminiscent of Lemmings 3D. What emerged instead was an arsenal of good ideas…

Darkest Dungeon 2 review

Darkest Dungeon 2 Review – Devolution

Delivering a sequel to one of the best games of all time was probably akin to flashing a faint smile to an executioner before putting…