Tag Archives: e3 2016

ReCore E3 Trailer
Microsoft have published a new trailer for ReCore, the upcoming action puzzle game from Armature Studio. It shows off the different robots you can control…

Dead Rising 4 Announce Trailer
Capcom and Microsoft have announced Dead Rising 4 at this year’s E3. They’ve also released a trailer to show us what the game will be…

The Last Guardian Release Date Revealed
The Last Guardian, the next long awaited project from the team behind Ico and Shadow of Colossus, finally has a release date. Sony have also…

Resident Evil 7 Tape-1 Desolation Trailer
Capcom have released a new trailer for Resident Evil 7, called Tape-1 Desolation. The new video showcases the change in tone compared to the previous…

God of War E3 2016 Gameplay Video
Sony have used their press conference at E3 2016 to broadcast a gameplay video of the new God of War game. It’s simply called God…

Gwent Announcement Trailer
CD Projekt Red have officially announced a standalone version of Gwent, the popular card mini-game from The Witcher 3. It’s coming to PC and consoles,…

Kojima’s Next Game is Death Stranding
Hideo Kojima has used the opportunity to unveil his next game at Sony’s E3 2016 press conference. It’s called Death Stranding, and it’s going to…

Watch Dogs 2 Hack Everything Trailer
Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Watch Dogs 2, called Hack Everything. The new video showcases all kinds of stuff you can do by…

FFXV VR Sections Announced
During E3 2016, Sony have announced that Final Fantasy XV will be compatible with Playstation VR, and will contain a mode designed for the headset….

South Park Fractured But Whole Release Date & Trailer
During their E3 2016 press conference, Ubisoft have announced the release date for South Park: The Fractured But Whole, the upcoming South Park RPG. They’ve…

Horizon Zero Dawn E3 2016 Gameplay Video
Sony and Guerilla Games have published an eight minute gameplay video of Horizon Zero Dawn while showing the game at E3 2016. The footage is…

The Force Awakens E3 2016 Trailer
Warner Bros and TT Games have released a new trailer for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the upcoming Lego game based on the latest…

Dishonored 2 E3 2016 Gameplay Trailer
Bethesda have released a new trailer for Dishonored 2, in honor of their E3 2016 press conference. The video contains images of locations and characters…

Prey Reveal Trailer E3 2016
Prey has been announced, once more, at this year’s E3. It’s not a straight sequel anymore, and they’ve dropped the number from the name. It’s…

Mafia 3 E3 2016 Trailer
Mafia 3 is being showcased at E3 2016. If you’re not there to watch it in person, you can take a look at the new…

ME: Andromeda E3 2016 Trailer
A new Mass Effect: Andromeda trailer has been shown at this year’s EA Play press conference, right before the start of E3 2016. It’s the…

EA Details Upcoming Star Wars Projects
EA used the opportunity at E3 2016 to show the fans what the multitude of teams in charge of Star Wars games are currently working…