Tag Archives: dying light 2 guides

Decode the Note to Find Hidden Treasure Dying Light 2 Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunts have always been some of the most fun and engaging activities that many movies and books are centered around. It’s no wonder that…

Dying Light 2 Hakon Choice Deal or We’ll See
Dying Light 2 is a game filled with choices. These choices will often catch you unprepared, unsure of what to pick. One of these early…

The Only Way Out Dying Light 2 Meet The People of The Bazaar
Meet the people of the Bazaar in Dying Light 2 is part of the quest The Only Way Out. This quest becomes available once you…

Dying Light 2 Cheers Quest Choice, Save Julian or Marco Deal
Dying Light 2 Cheers quest is one of the earlies in the game that will present you with an important choice. Here, you will track…

Find The Glass House on Old Mound Street Dying Light 2 Rose Garden Quest
The Rose Garden quest in Dying Light 2 is quite an emotional rollercoaster. Not so much for our main character as for Peter, the guy…

Hand Damien to Carl or Cooperate Choice Dying Light 2 Missing Persons
The Hand Damien to Carl or Cooperate Choice in the Dying Light 2 Missing Persons side quest is the first in a series of choices…

How to Switch Arrow Types Dying Light 2 Change Bow Ammo
No zombie game would be complete without the inclusion of make-shift ancient weapons. Very fittingly for a society where modern weaponry is scarce, these include…

Upgrade Blueprint Dying Light 2
Knowing how to upgrade blueprints in Dying Light 2 is a very useful asset, because it lets you make more powerful stuff. You can get…

Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence Quiz Correct Answers & Rewards
Not every quest in Dying Light 2 will have you engage in combat. Sometimes, you will be able to take a more subtle approach. And…

First Biomarker Safe Code Dying Light 2
The Dying Light 2 safe code First Biomarker riddle is actually a series of three small riddles found in the note from Dr. Katsumi. Solving…

Dying Light 2 Getting Stronger Choice Tell Hakon That Gre Key is From a Scientist or Better for Him Not To Know
Dying Light 2 is all about making choices. Sometimes, these can have major ramifications on the rest of the game, changing your relationships with other…

Dying Light 2 Save Game Location & How to Manually Save
Dying Light 2 handles save games in a very interesting way. Since DL2 revolves heavily around player choice, a decision was made to not have…

Dying Light 2 Military Tech Locations Map
Like most other open-world games, Dying Light 2 also has collectibles that you can find and pick up. One of the most difficult – but…