Tag Archives: doom secrets

Mission 12 Secret and collectible Locations – Vega Central Processing
Twelfth mission in the new DOOM brings you very close to the end of the game and has 10 collectibles for you to find. Getting…

Necropolis collectibles & secrets
The Necropolis is the eleventh campaign mission in Doom 2016. Once you go through the Titan’s Core portal, you’ll find yourself in the new area…

Doom 2016 Mission 10 collectibles Titan’s Realm
Titan’s Realm is the tenth campaign mission in Doom 2016. Your goal is to pass through the Titan’s Core and remove the connection between Mars…

Lazarus Labs Collectibles & Secrets
Lazarus Labs is the ninth campaign mission in Doom 2016. This level is overrun with demons released by Olivia. Your goal is to shut down…

Advanced Research Complex Collectibles Guide
Doom 2016 mission Advanced Research Complex is the eight campaign mission in Doom 2016. The story takes place inside the tram station at the office…

Doom Mission 7 Collectibles Argent Facility (Destroyed)
Mission 7: Argent Facility (Destroyed) is the seventh campaign mission in Doom 2016. Once you return to Mars, you’ll find it completely ruined. This map…

Doom Mission 6 Collectibles & Secrets Kadingir Sanctum
Mission 6: Kadingir Sanctum is the sixth campaign mission in Doom 2016. This is the first mission in the Hell dimension, so the surroundings change…

Mission 5 Collectibles & Secrets Argent Energy Tower
Mission 5: Argent Energy Tower is one of the levels in Doom 2016. It’s the one where you scale a giant tower and have to…

Argent Facility Secrets in Doom 2016
Mission 4: Argent Facility is the fourth campaign mission in Doom 2016. The main objective for this campaign mission is to shut down the Argent…

Mission 3 Collectibles & Secrets – Foundry
Mission 3: Foundry is the third campaign mission in Doom 2016. While completing the main objective, you’ll have to explore the whole factory, destroy four…

Lever Locations
Doom 2016 levers are well hidden throughout the world, but their role is very important – these levers unlock a Classic Map secret. In each…

Mission 2 Secrets & Collectibles – Resource Operations
Mission 2: Resource Operations is the second chapter of Doom. It will let you explore the mining operation on the planet, the offices and corridors…

Mission 1 Collectibles & Secrets
Mission 1: The UAC is the first level in Doom. It’s set on the planet surface, and there are several collectibles and secret rooms you…