Tag Archives: diablo 4 guides

Diablo 4 Crushed Beast Bones Farming Location
Crafting is an important part of Diablo 4. Of course, crafting requires a lot of ingredients, and not all of them are easy to acquire….

Diablo 4 Legendary Items Farming Locations
In our Diablo 4 Legendary Items Farming Locations guide, we are going to point you towards some good places for obtaining the most powerful gear….

Diablo 4 Game Share Xbox Fix
Game sharing has always been one of the best things about couch co-op games such as the Diablo series, and Diablo 4 is no different…

Diablo 4 Code 7 Error Fix
Diablo 4 Error Code 7 is one of many issues currently plaguing the experience for players of this action RPG. Namely, Diablo IV is now…

Diablo 4 Sell or Salvage Gear
The decision of whether to sell or salvage Diablo 4 gear always involves a sort of trade-off. By that, I mean you need to decide…

Diablo 4 Can’t Change Resolution, No Fullscreen Option Issue
It’s finally happened, Diablo 4 is here! After many years of development, the latest entry in this award-winning saga is here and legions of Diablo…

Diablo 4 Barbarian Charge Not Working Issue
The Diablo 4 Barbarian Charge not working issue is puzzling many players that have opted to go with this class, and the skill seems to…

Diablo 4 Temptation Mount Missing, Not Appearing in Stable
If your Diablo 4 Temptation Mount is missing, you are not alone! Diablo 4 is now live in early access for all players who have…

Diablo 4 Storming the Gates Bug, The Door is Sealed Issue Fix
In our Diablo 4 Storming the Gates Bug, The Door is Sealed Issue Fix guide, we are going to give you the solution to this…

Diablo 4 Wings of the Creator Emote
Diablo 4 comes with a wide array of different emotes that you can use. Sometimes, you’re going to use these to quickly communicate with other…

Change World Tier Diablo 4
Knowing how to change the World Tier in Diablo 4 is pretty useful. Maybe you’re finding your current tier too easy, and want to bump…

Diablo 4 Sorcerer Teleport Bug, Stuck in the Ground
The Diablo 4 Sorcerer Teleport bug is probably one of the more annoying issues currently in the game. And it has been in the game…

Diablo 4 Claim Rewards Beta, Deluxe, Ultimate Edition
Like most modern video games, Diablo 4 features several different editions you can get. These come with a variety of cosmetic rewards that will allow…

Diablo 4 Pre-Order Bonuses, Where to Find Cosmetic and Horses
If you want to know where to find Diablo 4 pre-order cosmetic bonuses and horses, such as the Light Bearer Mount and its armor and…

Can’t Use Skills and Abilities Bug Fix Diablo 4
If you can’t use skills in Diablo 4, you should know that this serious bug is currently affecting many players. Diablo IV early access is…

Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug, As the World Burns Issue Fix
After much anticipation and years of development, Diablo 4 is finally out. While first impressions are more than positive, the sheer size and scope of…

Diablo 4 World Tier 1 or 2 Choice
In our Diablo 4 World Tier 1 or 2 Choice guide, we are going to explain the difficulty choice between World Tiers 1 and 2…

Diablo 4 Error Code 316748, Can’t Join Online Co-Op
If you are receiving Diablo 4 Error Code 316748 while trying to join online co-op, you’re not alone. Diablo IV is now live in early…

Diablo 4 Unable to Find Valid License, Error Code 315306
If you are receiving the “Unable to Find Valid License for Diablo 4 Error Code 315306” message at the early access launch, you should know…

Diablo 4 Best Class, Endgame Tier List
As every Diablo player knows, your choice of which class to play as is without a doubt the most important decision you can make in…