Tag Archives: Destiny The Taken King

King’s Fall Raid Loot
King’s Fall is the new raid in Destiny: The Taken King. Only a select few have finished it at this time, but we’re already getting…

King’s Fall Loot Chest Locations
There are several loot chests in the King’s Fall raid in Destiny: The Taken King. They are well hidden, and getting to them requires teamwork…

King’s Fall Raid Guide
King’s Fall is a brand new Raid in Destiny: The Taken King that went live on Friday, September 18th at 10AM PT. Destiny’s end-game Raid…

How To Use Three of Coins and farm Exotic Engrams
Among many secrets and new exotic weapons that the latest update The Taken King brought, Destiny players found themselves faced for the first time with…

Gunsmith Weapon Field Test Tasks Guide
With the Taken King a new mechanic was introduced to Banshee-44, aka the Gunsmith. This Tower vendor now has reputation levels you can earn and…

Exotic Blueprints
Exotic Blueprints are a way to craft exotic items in Destiny: The Taken King. They can be used to craft Year 1 exotics if you’ve…

How To Get Year 2 Exotic Weapons
Year 2 Exotic Weapons are a new batch of items in Destiny, added with The Taken King. They can be obtained through quests, by using…

TLALOC Exotic Scout Rifle guide
Tlaloc is another exotic weapon that can be obtained by completing quests in the latest Destiny update The Taken King. This weapon is available only…

Infusion Guide
Infusion is the new system of item upgrading in Destiny: The Taken King. It revolves around improving your favorite legendary gear by smelting rare (blue)…

Tips to level up Light and prepare for King’s Fall raid
Levels and light have been redesigned in Destiny: The Taken King. Most stuff isn’t gated behind your character’s level now, but the Light level instead….

The Taken King Guides & Secrets
The Taken King is the latest expansion for Destiny. It brings a new story, new characters, an enormous armory, fresh collectibles to be found, chest…

King’s Fall Raid access & additional information
The Fallen King is the latest Destiny update that brings new stories, new gear and weapons and long awaited new Raid. The King’s Fall Raid…

How to use and get Wormsinger Rune
The latest Destiny update The Taken King, introduces many secrets, and one of them are hidden locked chests that require keys to be opened. In…

How to get Exotic Sword in Destiny The Taken King
After completing the quest A Broken Will and getting Legendary Sword, Destiny players have a chance to forge their first Exotic sword in The Taken…

Key of The Spawn Chest
Key of The Spawn is a container key in Destiny: The Taken King. When you get it, you’ll need to find a special chest you…

Key of Wyrding Chest Location
Wyrding Chest is a locked container in Destiny: The Taken King. It contains various materials and loot, but you need a specific key in order…

Eir Chest Location
Locked chests are special loot containers in Destiny. When you open them, you’ll get better loot than from the unlocked ones. Eir Chest is one…

Key of Xol Chest
Xol Chest is one of the locked chests you’ll find in Destiny: The Taken King. They appear during Patrol, contain better loot than ordinary chests…

Yuul Chest Location
The Yuul chest is one of the locked loot containers that can be found onboard the Dreadnaught. It’s a bit hard to find, hiding in…

Key of Ur Chest Location
Chests are loot containers in Destiny. The ones that are locked contain better loot than the ones that can be opened right away. The Ur…