Tag Archives: destiny chests

How to use Skyburners Command Beacon
The Skyburners Command Beacon is an item Cabal warriors drop on the Dreadnaught in Destiny: The Taken King. If you use it in the right…

Taken Consumption Chest
The Taken Consumption Chest is a loot container in Destiny: The Taken King. It’s not locked, but it can be difficult to open – it…

Gnashing Teeth Chest Location
The Gnashing Teeth Chest is one of the hidden, locked chests in Destiny: The Taken King. It contains valuable loot, but you can only open…

A Scent Is The Key Chest Location
Locked chests carry better loot than regular ones in Destiny: The Taken King. Getting the keys to unlock them is often easy, but finding them…

Maggots Chest Location
Destiny: The Taken King is filled with loot chests to plunder. Some of them are locked – they hold better rewards, but you need a…

Key of The Spawn Chest
Key of The Spawn is a container key in Destiny: The Taken King. When you get it, you’ll need to find a special chest you…

Key of Wyrding Chest Location
Wyrding Chest is a locked container in Destiny: The Taken King. It contains various materials and loot, but you need a specific key in order…

Eir Chest Location
Locked chests are special loot containers in Destiny. When you open them, you’ll get better loot than from the unlocked ones. Eir Chest is one…

Key of Xol Chest
Xol Chest is one of the locked chests you’ll find in Destiny: The Taken King. They appear during Patrol, contain better loot than ordinary chests…

Yuul Chest Location
The Yuul chest is one of the locked loot containers that can be found onboard the Dreadnaught. It’s a bit hard to find, hiding in…

Key of Ur Chest Location
Chests are loot containers in Destiny. The ones that are locked contain better loot than the ones that can be opened right away. The Ur…