Tag Archives: destiny 2 xur

Destiny 2 Xur Location & Items January 21 2022
The Destiny 2 Xur location and items on January 21 2022 is going to be a hot topic for the next couple of days, before…

Xur Location January 14 2022 Destiny 2
The Destiny 2 Xur location on January 14 2022 is a mystery, as always. Players want to know what time does Xur appear, when does…

Where is Xur September 17 in Destiny 2
The question of where is Xur in Destiny 2 on September 17 is something a lot of Guardians are going to need an answer to….

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 4th 2019
Where is Xur and what exotic weapons & armor is he selling on October 4th in Destiny 2 are gonna be the questions on the…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 19th
Where is Xur and what exotic weapons & armor is he selling, the two questions every Destiny 2 Guardian scrambles to solve every weekend. Searching…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 12th
Where is Xur and what is he selling are a weekly mystery that all Destiny 2 Guardians scramble to solve every weekend. Xur’s locatin in…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 5th
Where is Xur and what is he selling is something every Destiny 2 Guardian asks themselves on a weekly basis. Xur’s location in Destiny 2…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur – Location and Inventory – September 28th
Where is Xur and what he is selling today are the burning questions every Guardian wants to know. Looking for Xur and finding his location…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling September 21st
Xur’s location in Destiny 2 is the weekly mystery every Guardian scrambles to solve. Each Friday, the question of where is Xur today and what…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling September 14th
Where is Xur is the question every Destiny 2 player asks themselves every week, as well as what Xur is selling this time around. Xur’s…

Destiny 2 Xur Location and Inventory September 7th 2018
Where is Xur? Destiny 2 most famous vendor Xur will show up this week for the first time in the latest Forsaken expansion. While we…

Destiny 2 Xur Location October 6th – 8th Inventory & Prices
It’s almost time for Xur to come back in Destiny 2. So far, he’s visited Io, Titan, and Nessus. Our assumption is that he’ll be…

Destiny 2 Xur Location September 29th-October 1st Inventory & Prices
Xur is going to show up in Destiny 2 again shortly. Since he’s already been to Nessus and Titan, we suspect he’s going to show…

Destiny 2 Xur Location September 22nd-24th Inventory & Prices
Xur in Destiny 2 will appear for the second time in the game’s history this week. Very soon, he’ll materialize somewhere in the Public Sectors…

Destiny 2 Xur Locations
In Destiny 2 Xur’s spawn locations have changed. He will not appear in social spaces anymore, like in the previous game. He should show up…

Destiny 2 Xur Location September 15th-17th Inventory & Prices
Xur in Destiny 2 will show up this week for the first time. We are currently looking for him, and we’ll update the guide as…