Tag Archives: destiny 2 weapons

Destiny 2 Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon Quest
Lumina is a new exotic weapon in Destiny 2. It’s a hand cannon that heals and buffs your teammates. In order to get it, you’ll…

Destiny 2 Truth Exotic Rocket Launcher Quest – Map Piece & Relic Locations
Truth is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2. It’s a rocket launcher that was added in the Season of Opulence. It has the ability to…

Escalation Protocol Weapon Drop Chance Schedule – Destiny 2
Escalation protocol is one of the activities in Destiny 2. It was introduced in the Warmind expansions, and it’s an important part of the PvE…

Thorn Exotic Hand Cannon Quest – Independent Study
Thorn is an exotic hand cannon in Destiny 2. If you’ve played the previous game, you might remember it as one of the fan favorites….

Destiny 2 Graviton Lance, Sunshot, Riskrunner Exotic Weapons
Graviton Lance, Riskrunner and Sunshot are exotic weapons in Destiny 2. They can be obtained during one of the main missions, and they’re probably the…

Wish-Ender Exotic Bow – Dreaming Token of Eriviks, Querim, Xavoth – Destiny 2
Wish-Ender exotic bow is one of the rarest weapons in Destiny 2. It’s a bow that grants you Truesight and has piercing arrows that do…

Luna’s Howl – How to Unlock Legendary Hand Cannon – Destiny 2
Luna’s Howl Legendary Hand Cannon is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2. The Destiny 2 Luna’s Howl hand cannon is an interesting weapon, especially in…

Iron Banner Season 4 Weapons & Armor – Destiny 2
Iron Banner season 4 has just started in Destiny 2, and it brings a lot of new gear into the game. There’s one armor set…

Last Wish Raid Loot, Weapons & Armor – Destiny 2
Last Wish raid loot are items you can get by playing the new raid in Destiny 2 Forsaken. The Dreaming City raid will reward you…

Destiny 2 Redrix’s Claymore Legendary Pulse Rifle How to Get
Redrix’s Claymore is a Legendary Pulse rifle you can get in Destiny 2. It is a pretty good rifle, with perks that allow you to…

Destiny 2 How to Get Masterwork Tractor Cannon
Masterwork Tractor Cannon is a version of the weapon you can now get in Destiny 2. Masterworking the Tractor Cannon increases the magazine and max…

Destiny 2 Ikelos Weapons – How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun
Ikelos weapons are a family of legendary guns in Destiny 2. There are four of them – a sniper rifle, a hand cannon, a shotgun…

Destiny 2 Polaris Lance Exotic Scout Rifle – How to Get
Polaris Lance is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2. It’s a scout rifle, the same one Ana Bray uses in the promotional videos. It’s a…

Destiny 2 Leviathan Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Rewards
Leviathan, Eater of Worlds is a raid lair – a new activity in Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris DLC. It brings new items to the…

Destiny 2 Aeon Safe Exotic Gauntlets
Aeon Safe is a piece of exotic armor in Destiny 2. It’s part of the Curse of Osiris expansion. You’re guaranteed to get the fancy…

Destiny 2 Lost Prophecies & Forge Weapons – Which Verse Unlocks What
There are eleven Lost Prophecy weapons in Destiny 2. They’re special legendary weapons added in the Curse of Osiris DLC. They can’t be obtained as…

Destiny 2 Prometheus Lens Exotic Trace Rifle
Prometheus Lens is an exotic trace rifle in Destiny 2. The weapon was added in the Curse of Osiris DLC. It’s pretty much the same…

Destiny 2 Lost Prophecies – How to Craft Vex / Osiris Weapons
Lost Prophecies are a new type of activity in Destiny 2. They’re were added in the Curse of Osiris DLC. They’re similar to the bounties…

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Armor & Weapons
The Iron Banner event in Destiny 2 has begun. By participating, you can earn some sweet armor and weapons. When playing Iron Banner, you take…

Destiny 2 Vigilance Wing Exotic Pulse Rifle
Vigilance Wing is an exotic pulse rifle in Destiny 2. It has a distinct shot pattern and a perk that helps you survive in tough…