Tag Archives: destiny 2 guides

Destiny 2 Tractor Cannon Exotic Shotgun
Destiny 2 Tractor Cannon Exotic Shotgun is a rare weapon that you can encounter in the game. It is a Power weapon that allows you…

Destiny 2 Mask of The Quiet One Exotic Titan Helmet
Mask of the Quiet One is an exotic helmet in Destiny 2. It’s can only be worn by titans, even though it gives off a…

Destiny 2 Mida Multi-Tool Exotic Scout Rifle
Mida Multi-Tool is an exotic scout rifle in Destiny 2. It can be obtained through a quest chain after you’ve finished the campaign. You may…

Destiny 2 Sturm Exotic Hand Cannon Quest
Sturm is an exotic hand cannon in Destiny 2. It can be obtained by solving a quest chain starting at Nessus. It’s a kinetic weapon…

Destiny 2 Nightfall Strike – The Arms Dealer
Destiny 2 Nightfall Strike, The Arms Dealer, is now live. As you’d expect, the recommended Power level is very high. Of course, there will be…

Destiny 2 Region Chest Locations on Titan
There are six region chests on Titan, the second planet in Destiny 2. Some of them are hard to find, thanks to the area’s verticality…

Destiny 2 How to Get Third Subclass Sunbreaker, Nightstalker, Stormcaller
Destiny 2 Third subclasses, Sunbreaker, Nightstalker and Stormcaller, require looking for special relics and reaching a certain character level. They will help you unlock the…

Destiny 2 Melted Hand Cannon
Destiny 2 Melted Hand Cannon relic is an item that you can get if you’re a Hunter. The journey can be long and arduous, especially…

Destiny 2 How to Get Second Subclass – Striker, Gunslinger, Voidwalker
Destiny 2 second subclasses – Striker, Gunslinger, Voidwalker – have to be unlocked. Once you lose your light, the game will take away most of…

Destiny 2 How to Start Heroic Public Events
Heroic public events in Destiny 2 are more difficult versions of regular public events. In order to start one, you have to follow specific steps…

Destiny 2 Best Weapons for PVP & PVE
Destiny 2 best weapons for PVP and PVE vary a lot based on how you like to play. The many different Autorifles, Scout Rifles, Hand…

Destiny 2 How to Get Bright Engrams
Bright engrams are a new type of loot container in Destiny 2. They only contain stuff from the Eververse shop – sparrows, shaders, ghost shells…

Destiny 2 Sparrows – How to Get Them
Destiny 2 sparrows are modes of transportation on a planet. Like before, they’re little hover bikes that you can use to travel around quickly. There…

Destiny 2 How to Get Coldheart Exotic Trace Rifle
Coldheart is an exotic trace rifle in Destiny 2. It’s the only weapon of its kind – a gun that shoots out a laser beam…

Destiny 2 Tower Scannable Objects Locations
Destiny 2 Tower scannable lore objects locations guide shows you where to find all of them. These twenty-two lore objects are hidden throughout all three…

Destiny 2 Scouting Patrol – How to make your guardian glow
Scout Commander buff is a cool thing you can get in the Farm – new social space of Destiny 2. It gives you a neat…

Destiny 2 Weapon & Armor Mods
Destiny 2 weapon & armor mods can be used to modify your gear. They can affect your gear in different ways, from changing the color…

Destiny 2 Exotic Titan Armor
Destiny 2 Titan Exotic armor are rare equipment that grant various perks when worn. These include helmets, gauntlets, chest armor, and boots, specifically tailored to…

Destiny 2 Exotic Hunter Armor
Destiny 2 exotic Hunter armor include various helmets, chest pieces, gauntlets, and boots. Every piece of Exotic armor is a hard to find, and requires…

Destiny 2 Exotic Warlock Armor
Destiny 2 Exotic Warlock Armor are hard-to-find equipment, designed to give your Guardian an edge. You can get exotic helmets, chest armor, boots and gauntlets,…